Today is the last straw. We have the deal that "I don't hit you, you don't hit me" so i refuse to spank him. He thought it was funny to pee all over the new roll of toilet paper, down the cabinet and floor. This is the first time to include the toilet paper but has peed all over the floor and rugs before. Right now he lost his fireworks (state holiday) and is grounded to his room for 30 minutes for it. But how do I get through to him that this has to stop. He is going through so many stages right now that it is driving me nuts. I will take away his toys and it doesn't bother him, no tv no problem, no computer no problem, nothing seems to be punishment to him. He just keeps doing what he wants to do no matter what I say. I know that some of it is normal, and according to my mother, I was the same way and boy is she getting a kick out of this. He is fibbing, blaming others, and overall not listening anymore. I don't want a perfect kid, just one that follows some of the rules.