
How do I get to Heaven?

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I believe in God but am unsure which religion is true. My family history is Christian but I am not so arrogant as to believe that because my mum and dad believed it that it must be true. I work with a Muslim guy and have read many books about Buddhism, Seikhs etc but all the info is so confusing. I think Budhism makes sense and the idea of Karma seems fair. Re-incarnation also appeals...but honestly "I don't Know". This is a serious question so only serious answers please.




  1. There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ.

    No other religion has a savior. One who paid the fines for your breaking of the law. For the wages of sin is death...Who is going to pay that fine? You? or Jesus Christ? He already has paid your fine. All you have to do is repent (turn from and forsake your sins) And trust in the savior, not just believe. For Satan believes in Christ, where do you think he is spending eternity?

  2. I agree with "Chris".

  3. Jesus is the ONLY WAY into heaven, and to avoid being sent to eternal h**l.  Only Jesus is sufficient payment for our sins.

    All the good deeds in the world won't pay for even one of your sins.  Either Jesus pays for your sins, or you pay for your sins in eternal torment in h**l, and there is never any way out, eternally.  That is the choice before you.

    The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die :)

  4. "Heaven" is just a word used by the Abrahamic religions to describe their paradise in the afterlife, I prefer the Norse variation myself, fight all day feast all night, as opposed to singing the praises of god throughout the whole of eternity as is done in the Abrahamic paradise.

    Re-incarnation seemed odd to me, to keep returning to try again, being born as an animal or into some other caste on the social ladder.

    The best way to get into heaven is by plane, preferably 1st class. After landing in Ben Gorian Airport, hire a cab to take you to Jerusalem and enter the old city though the Jaffo gate.

    Jerusalem being on the top of a hill meant that one had to ascend to Heaven a city whose streets are paved with gold (not really gold just the reflection of sunlight off of the stone [Jerusalem Stone] that all the buildings and roads are made from). Gedon where the concept of h**l came from was the large garbage dump outside of the city at the base of the hil that was kept burning to drive out rodents and other carion creatures. When people were expelled from Jerusalem (Heaven) they were sent out the gateway that lead through the garbage dump. h**l is down the hill while Heaven is up the hill.

    BTW h**l (Gedon) is actually a nice place nowadays.

    Yes I used to live in Jerusalem.

  5. go with christian then read the whole king james version of the bible go and repent and baptise in the name of the lord jesus christ and accept  that he died to save the world start going to church and clean upo ur life  

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