
How do I get to Rothschildschloss in Waidhofen an der Ybss?

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From the main train station fo the city, or bus station..




  1. by oflgasben flregths to the asgora,ndfei der asgoadenf. Good ofagsirs and God Bless.

  2. Here's a link to yahoo maps (hope it works)

    The Castle should be withing working distance from the train station (top left in map marked "Bahnhof". It is roughly were the bridge (yellow street marked L93) crosses the river (Schlossweg)

  3. I absolute LOVE that part of Austria.  For a wonderful dinner in a beautiful location, find your way to: Gasthaus Lattner-Korntner located at  Nußbach 46,  A-4542 Nußbach.  I've been there quite a number of times and would go back again!

    Rothschildschloss also known as Schloss Waidhofen is located in Waidhofen.  "This medieval fortress was reshaped 1885-87 by the Viennese architect Friedrich von Schmidt.

    In 1875 Baron Rothschild bought the castle which passed into the possession of the Österreichischen Bundesforste after World War II.

    Today the owner of the castle is the town.

    2007 place of the Provincial Exhibition. At the moment conversion works are being done in and around the castle and therefore the tower is closed."

    You can't really say Waidhofen is a "city" - more of a town.

    If driving, your best access is off of the Autobahn A1 - take Exit 123 - which is to the east of Linz (on the way to Vienna).

    By train, from Linz, the trip is about 1.5 - 2 hours (depending on which train you take).

    The Bahnhof (trainstation) appears to be within walking distance, but if you're carrying luggage you won't want to do that.

    For detailed information (taxi service, etc.), contact:

    Tourism Bureau

    Schlossweg 2

    3340 Waidhofen an der Ybbs

    Telefon: +43 7442 511-255

    Fax:      +43 7442 511-259



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