
How do I get to clear my bowel daily ?

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I would like to clear my bowel daily. How do I get to do this ? I It`s not unusual for me no to clear my bowel for three days at a stretch. Help/advice appreciated.




  1. Prune juice. Water or buy some Benefibre from the supermarket/chemist.

  2. drink lots of water

  3. I just started to eat this stuff called Activia. It works great and taste good to. It's almost like yogurt. You can buy it at any grocery store

  4. This is a very basic function and the answers are pretty basic, also. You need to have at least 2 quarts of water every day and also some fiber, like oatmeal or shredded wheat, to absorb it and create bulk. You need to exercise everyday so that it makes things move in your body. A balanced diet will keep you moving and prevent you from getting sick. That's it.

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