
How do I get to know God more? what do i have to do to get to know him better?

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How do I get to know God more? what do i have to do to get to know him better?




  1. God doesn't make contact. The whole system is based on faith.

    You can believe he exists, if you like. No one is stopping  you.

  2. Impossible. God doesn't exist.

  3. Ask Him to help you. Read your Bible more and then you will understanfd Him a little better, although, I must admit, when I first started reading it, I did think "was He not very nice to some people?"

    You need to think about the Bible as a whole, and don't get caught up with one or two paragraphs.

    If you ask for His guidance in knowing Him and understanding Him, you will start to see things more clearly.

  4. Read His book and do it.

  5. In order to meet him, you have to off yourself in some way that doesn't look like you offed yourself.

  6. have a conversation with him in your head, then convince yourself that it's really god. voila.  

  7. Hunter S. Thompson: A cap of good acid costs five dollars and for that you can hear the Universal Symphony with God singing solo and Holy Ghost on drums.


  8. simple question simple answer

    read the bible

  9. Read the Bible. Seriously, it's the best way to find out about Him. He's in it after all. That's all. Read the Bible and pray for understanding.

  10. prayer, or meditation.  whatever your religion calls it.

  11. ask him out on a date.

  12. Forget God,

    Do you know who you are??

  13. Just behave and act like a decent human being and you'll start knowing Him better.

  14. repent ask Jesus to come into your heart confess to him you are a sinner believe he died for you believe that God raised him from the dead on the third day

    confess with thy mouth and believe in your heart that  Jesus died for you and God raised him from the dead I think you will fin that in the book of Romans

  15. “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”—James 4:8

    JEHOVAH is a generous giver.  Jehovah answers the petitions of those who persist in prayer and who keep watching.  James reminds us that we should “keep on asking God” for wisdom  and in enduring various trials. He admonishes and warns: “But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all.” He who keeps doubting is an “indecisive [Greek, “two-souled”] man” and receives nothing from Jehovah. Rather, we want our faith to have the quality that James mentions: “This tested quality of your faith works out endurance.” (Jas. 1:3-8) Though, to begin with, our faith may not be as great as was Abraham’s, it can grow and must always ring true, not be half-and-half. Let it be said of us as Paul wrote: “Your faith is growing exceedingly and the love of each and all of you is increasing one toward the other.” True faith is not just a mental process, but as Paul also wrote: “Exercise faith in your heart.” We must have good motivation, resulting in good works.—Rom. 4:20; 10:9, 10; 2 Thess. 1:3.

    In confirmation of the foregoing, James later wrote: “Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones.” Leading up to this, James made certain contrasts, as Jesus did, in order to drive home truths that needed to be emphasized: “Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”—Jas. 4:7, 8.

      What an encouragement to be decisive in a right way and, finally, what a heartwarming appeal! One might be decisive and persistent out of a sense of duty, but to draw close to someone calls for something much deeper. It must come from the heart, prompting one to put oneself out and be ready to make sacrifices in order to gain and enjoy the desired close personal relationship. Notice that James does not say that if we draw close to God, then he, so to speak, is just sitting there waiting to welcome us. Rather, if we take a definite personal course of action in drawing close to God, then he too will take a corresponding action on his part. How does he do this? Well, he has already made certain fine provisions including his Word and the gift of his Son as our Redeemer, so that it is possible for imperfect, sinful humans to draw close to him. These provisions are open to all who wish to take advantage of them with a sincere and true motive.

      Does Jehovah, however, do anything of a more direct personal nature? In so many instances, what is it that is the one thing that touches and draws out the heart of the truth seeker? More than a knowledge of the truth, is it not additionally the genuine and warm personal interest shown by the one who is being used as God’s minister? (1 Cor. 3:5) When the truth seeker attends his first meeting with Jehovah’s Witnesses, he may not understand too much of what is said, but he is again deeply impressed with the sincere friendly atmosphere manifest by all, besides the personal attention and welcome extended to him. In this way he feels that, in response to his own efforts in seeking after truth and the Giver of the truth, now God is drawing close to him. As he progresses, he experiences other evidences of God’s direction and blessing, for He gives ‘generously and without reproaching.’—Jas. 1:5.

      As the seeker after truth is guided step by step in the way of righteousness, he comes to appreciate what a privilege it is to be used by Jehovah as one of his representatives in helping yet others. This is made possible because of the outpouring of his spirit in our hearts, so that we may show forth the fruitage of that spirit and exemplify true Godlike love.—Gal. 5:22, 23; 1 John 4:11.

  16. Pray to ALmighty for true guidance n the true faith.. n He will guide u to it,

    do read the Holy Quran..  

  17. Prayer, meditation, and start reading the New Testament.  God will lead you from there.  Ask for his help in prayer.

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