
How do I get tougher in Rugby?

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I've been a bit whimpy in Rugby and It really frustrates me. When i'm in training i'm alright. But when i'm in a match or training for a match like games agaisnt each other I can't seem too tackle anyone, i just end up jumper grabbing.

Any ideas on how I can get tougher in Rugby

(anything to do with my manhood and i'm blocking you and reporting you)




  1. get mad

  2. Mate, do you play for the Springboks ?, Is that you Butch, or Jon. ?

    Mate, just call a press conference and bleat to the reporters and tell them that the other team is cheating ,cos world champions just can`t be beaten.

    But quietly, just between you and i , you will have to get rid of that "Token Coach ", he`s one of the problems.....daam Political appointments in Rugby....what next.?


  4. Actually alot of people do better in training or practice--like when i run--my fastest mile at practice is 4:12-at a meet its 4:44--some are opposite and thrive at the actual meet or game--so it may be a mind issue--just go all out no worries-if you get hurt you get hurt--you can be as strong as your mind lets you--when i get mad i can throw around 300 pounds easy but when im not mad i get like 200 up--you just need to go in the game looking to hurt someone or take em down-dont play for the ball play for the hit..and tackle weak spots only--if people see you going crazy like this they will be more likely to give into your tackles versus you hurting them..

  5. things that always help me are:

    -listen to thrash or heavy metal before a game

    -do some weightlifting, it really gets your adrenaline running and makes you feel stronger

    -remember that if you play rugby improperly/half-assed that you are more likely to get hurt, i have a scar on my lip because i hesitated going into a tackle which made me miss the guy and wrap around his leg, thus getting kicked in the face. If your going to play give it your all and you will either miss a tackle or make it. People dont get hurt when playing properly


    To tackle succesfully, you need adrenaline. It's much tougher to tackle someone if you are at a standstill, but even moving side to side when theyre coming at you and quiclkly stomping at the ground will help get you pumped up. Then just charge them and don't let go. What might happen is that theyll keep going but if you hang on somoene else will take them down.

  7. don't be scared of getting hurt

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