
How do I get unsubscribe to take- I have tried 3 days, done everything requested, and am still subscribed?

by Guest63182  |  earlier

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I sent in an unsubscribe from a yahoo group 3 days ago. I returned the requested email. I am still on the group. I sent a second unsubscribe yesterday, returned the requested email - and I am still on the group. I send a third unsubscribe today. Please, how do I get off of a group I no longer want to belong to? There are no options to report this failure to administration. The unsubscribe function obviously isn't working. What else can I do? This group is causing me a great deal of stress and I want nothing more to do with it. Help!




  1. Forget the email route.  Go to the group's  site, click on edit membership along the top.  In the next window scroll down and tick leave group Click save changes and you should be out.  It may take a day to take effect.

  2. Here is how you can unsubscribe from a Yahoo Group:

    1.Try to unsubscribe through:

    2. If this doesn't work out, send an e-mail to the group owner telling him/her to stop mailing you. (

    If these still didn't work for you try the following options:

    3. Block the address(es) or arrange your preferences so that they are sent to your bulk/spam folder.

    4. Contact yahoo customer care:

  3. you can go to the link below, if that group is not there, you were unsubbed but leaving a group via e-mail, you'll be unsubbed right away, but the server is slower to stop the group mail from coming

    go to this link click edit my groups on the top left- locate group (if there's more than one) under the last column Leave group, check smal box - click save changes

    Yahoo should be well aware of this problem, it's been going on for months on end with many complaints. here's the help form

    your welcome, glad it worked

  4. Those unsubscribe emails take forever to unsub you. A lot of times you are never unsubbed.  This will get you unsubscribed immediately:

    Sign in to the group and click "Edit Membership" near top of page. Scroll down to bottom right side of screen. Click "Leave Group". Another screen will come up, click "Leave Group". You will then be instantly unsubscribed from the group. It might take a day or so to stop receiving messages from the group, then they will stop coming to you

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