
How do I get whiter teeth?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 years old and I want whiter teeth. My teeth are kinda yellow, and no I don't smoke or drink or anything like that. And I brush my teeth twice a day but nothings working!. But do you know any products to make my teeth look whiter real fast?




  1. same problem i use the tooth paste that has baking soda in it. it tastes really gross but i really works! by the way im 14 its my b- day today

  2. ya i herd that you can use baking soda on you can try to put the baking soda in  you hands so you dont get you germs in the box and use it all while its all powdery and go around once and then go again buit i dont think its to good to use it too much...hope i helped!! XD

  3. bleaching can be bad if you have sensitive teeth. i have sensitive teeth so while getting my teeth cleaned i asked my dentist what she recommended to get my teeth whitened and she said that crest whitestrips premium plus bc not only are they the ones she uses but they work very well. so i bought them at walgreens and after using them my teeth got very white. everyone is always like wow your teeth are white lol but yea i also got them bc my best friend also told me they worked and her teeth were also very white. so i highly recommend them. they are about 40-50 dollars at any drugstore but they're def worth it and the whitening lasts a long time.

  4. brush your teeth more

    go to the dentist and ask for a cleaning and/or bleaching.

  5. This is a trick I came across years ago and has worked pretty well for me.  I use a Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, BUT, I rinse my brush in hot water before brushing my teeth, rinse with warm water and go over them once more with the brush under hot water.  I feel the hot water activates the whitening agent more and I get compliments on my teeth.  You may see results over the first week.

  6. you could go to a dentist and get your teeth cleaned. your teeth stay whiter for longer time.

    or you can get whitening strips for your teeth at a  store but those arent very good

  7. baking soda . make a paste by adding water and just brush .

  8. You can go to your doctor to get it clean, or find a toothpaste that is really good, I don't know for you but for me Colgate 2 in 1 whitening tooth paste made my teeth look whiter, I don't if they have it in your U.S

    because I live in Canada>   The bottle looks like this:

    Goodl Luck =)

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