
How do I get you to point the servers from Geocities to another web location. I have their server info.?

by  |  earlier

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How do I get you to point the servers from Geocities to another web location. I have their server info.?




  1. Hello

    Now here is the sitch, Geocites may not use Advance DNS hosting or web forwarding but that's what you need.

    Or you could use a web re-direct html code...


    "Manage Advanced DNS Settings

    Create or modify advanced domain name records (such as MX records)."

    This allows direct to your hosting

    Web forwarding:

    This service allows the domain to direct to another source

    by the actual provider (mostly free)


    This service is using a "html" code to link to another web page....

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="SECONDS HERE; url=URL HERE">

    Replace seconds here with the amount of time visitors have to wait to redirect and "url here" with the url of the websource you need to go to...

    Hope This helps!

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