
How do I give an animal away?

by Guest62854  |  earlier

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I bought a rabbit on a whim a couple months ago, and now my parents are making me get rid of him. Do I give him to the Humane Society or something? Because I can't find any information about GIVING animals on their website, just adopting them. If I do give him to the HS do I just waltz in there, bunny in tow? Or do I have to do a lot of paperwork or something? Or should I just sell him on craigslist or something? I'm just really confused and don't know how to go about doing this.




  1. If your parents will give you a little time, you could try to locate a rabbit rescue in your area. Use the web to find one. If they are demanding that it be gone, like, yesterday, then the Humane Society will take them and you ca just take them in with little hassle (except for a guilt trip). I would hesitate to do that though, because sometimes people with large pet snakes will go to the SPCA to find pet rabbits to feed their snakes. Also, it has a very small chance of being adopted and will very likely be put to sleep.

    Good luck!

  2. All of the suggestions above are great, I just thought I'd add in that sometimes you can donate a caged animal like that to a primary school classroom. Hopefully not a noisy inner-city school classroom.

  3. It would be better if you managed to find a new home for him - you will save the shelter some work and leave room for animals that may be in more urgent need of care

    Perhaps you could put an advert (with a picture) in a local shop or at your college or workplace.

    You could put him on Craigslist as they allow rehoming. Unfortunately there is a forum where people think that it is their job to police Craigslist. They spend hours searching Craigslist and put links on the forum to Craigslist animal adverts so that their friends all click the 'flag for removal' option and the advert is taken down - they are sure that everyone with an animal to rehome is a breeder. Hopefully your advert would stay on their long enough to find bunny a home. You must ask for a 'rehoming fee' to make sure that the person is genuine and isn't looking for cheap or free food for themselves or their pets.

  4. First never give anyone online your address. No offense to the poster who asked for it, it is just a good no exception rule to go by.

    Put the bunny for 10 dollars in the paper, cage included.

    Or just stand with it in front of the local grocery store someone will take it.  

  5. put signs up for a free bunny or w/e price you wanna sell him for. You can put them on telephone polls, or in stores. You can advertise a bunny for sale in the newspaper. Or try

    As for the humane society, it all depends on which shelter you go to. I would go first in person without the bunny and see what their approach is. Then they will probally ask you to bring the bunny if they have space.

    Also where abouts do you live? I would love to take him. Could you just add it to your question?

  6. you can

    - drop him off at an animal shelter or the humane soicity (u can usually just drop it off and leave ur name or something, no heavy paperwork)

    - give him to a friend or relitive that wants one

    - put adds in the newpaper for a free bunny or bunny for 5 or $10 or something in the pet section, and hope some1 will call and take ur bunny.

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