
How do I go about Home Schooling children?

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I do not rust my local public schools anymore the violence is so out of had the public schools have become like Prisons, fights breaking out between rival gangs its crazy! Teachers won't suspend problem kids




  1. Keep them at home and teach them what they need to know.

    I often encourage newbie-homeschoolers to take a break from academics for a few weeks.  Decompress from all the garbage and get to know each other again.  Work together on fun projects -- cooking, gardening, hiking, bike riding, crafts, etc....  then after 30 days or so go ahead and start into academic studies.    Keep it simple so that you don't get overwhelmed.  You can always add more things in later as you find time and room in the day/week.  Stick to the basics of math, writing and reading because these three are the foundation to every other academic pursuit.

    The best place to start is to find out about the law in your area and to learn about all kinds of options.

    You can find research information at

    Getting started information is available at (it is an Oregon website but will give you plenty of information and encouragement no matter where you live.)

    We use a simple method of self-teaching.  The parent teaches the initial basics to the student and then moves into the background.  I supervise my children while they study and I give them a flexible schedule.  They can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours or more to complete a math lesson on their own -- the more they can learn to do it without aid the better they learn the material.  I encourage them to do their best and offer praise.  They write about anything that is interesting to them and fill in a full page essay every day.  Then they read from a library of really good books for anywhere from 2 to 4 hours each day.

  2. DON'T home school your kids, especially not for high school. I've seen some of my friends home schooled through high school and, now, the only colleges that will accept them are the local community colleges.Also, they are very socially awkward and have no independence. If you are truly concerned about the violence at the public school, you might want to consider a private school.

  3. The person that told you that homeschoolers can't go to college doesn't know what they are talking about.  Homeschoolers do go to college, very frequently to top Universities, of course they have to follow a college prep course of study, just like at school.

    Regardless, what you need to do first is find out the laws in your state:

    Aside from that, you will want to look at curricula:

  4. I applaud you as well! I made the decision last week after having our daughter in public school. You are right there is no discipline. All the hard work that my husband and I have done to teach our children to be respectful of others has gone down the drain! The main contributor to our issues was bullying. And I am not talking about kids doing it, my daughter's teacher had something against our daughter. It sounds ridiculous but it is our sad truth. Last week she decided to write me a letter stating all the bad things about my daughter and how she needs to see a psychologist! Our daughter has always been a happy, high spirited young lady. She's always embraced learning. Yet, this year, in her new school, she has yet to come home happy.

    We are going to take a short break to build up her confidence and find that spirit and love of learning she once had. Her teacher kept telling her She "can't". She "won't be able to" pass tests! She calls my daughter names and on top of that, seems to be sabotaging her learning. Sending home large amounts of work that doesn't seem to pertain to what she is teaching in class! It's been a nightmare and my gut feeling told me not to send her here but people told me I would be making a big mistake if I didn't. Now, I have to undo and repair the damage!

    Good luck to you on your journey!

  5. Barb gave an excellent answer to your question.

    I would like to add that I applaud you for protecting your children.  You are doing your job.

    I've included one of many, many excellent websites on homeschooling.  Also, google the term "park day" and the name of your community.  This will help you get in touch with like -minded people in your area.

    All the best and welcome.

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