
How do I go about building my house?

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I am currently building my house and I want to have a certain control over the materials being used in the different phases of the house. I need to know the different milestones for building a house (2 floors) and if there are any tools or links that can determine how many materials will be needed to complete my house. Thank you.




  1. You should have specific instructions in your construction contract.  Have you already signed one?  If you have, then each change you make will have to be a written addendum which will increase the home's cost as well as slow down construction to say nothing of upsetting the contractor.  

    Hopefully you haven't hired a contractor and are still in the design phase.  This is the time to make those changes, make those specific instructions, etc.  

    If you are the contractor, the your subcontractor contracts are where you specify what you want and that you must approve all items before installation.  

    I don't know of a web site that has a material take off list for home construction.  If you have a blueprint for the entire project you can start figuring your own or rely on your contractors.

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