
How do I go about changing my perception of MEN when most act according to the stereotypes?

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  1. it will happen on its own the day that you finally meet a real man, i know that seems crazy but i used to think the same way about men and then i met my no hubby and i realized that all men aren't bad, just most of

  2. You obviously don't know many men, you s**t


  4. Instead of getting pissed off and walking away from the man, try asking him does he have time to hold a conversation with you. If he says 'yes' sit there and give him a lesson in etiquette. I mean, let him know that the way he's acting or has approached you is not the way to respect women, show him that women are human beings, too, and remember, give him a bit of women's history. I bet they'll respect you than because every single person has a struggle and once people are more educated, you can gain more respect from them.

    Hope that helped, good luck, and keep me updated.

  5. you dont, dont change for men.

    Most men do act to there stereotype

    some are nice tho, you just have to keep looking

    You'l find somebody !

  6. You try to find nice men, not the c**p ones that treat you like ****.

  7. God I know how you feel, sister. I WANT to change my perception of males, but I've yet to meet one who challanges the stereotypes.

    The search continues....

  8. Simply date the men that treat you good instead of trying to win over some jerk.

    You'll find that a lot of men are really sweet.

  9. "traet em like **** and they'll treat u better"

    hahahah that made me laugh :D

    Anyways some of the stereotypes are true. For example, most men generally go and try (or fantasize about) getting a girl who looks good. But trust me, looks only last so d**n long (they usually only start up a relationship) because personality is also important.

  10. hi how are you i hope fine let me tell you something . every single guy is different no one  in this world could be as same as other and if you are trying to find some one i know that you will find him one day just wait for he

  11. I would guess that it depends on the which stereotypes you're referring to.

  12. You dont I guess.  Its not your fault there that way. If one comes around worthy of you, he'll change your perception all on his own.  :)  and vice versa, gotta remember that, we have pretty bad stereotypes too.  Bad apples in every bunch sorta thing.

    big tip**** and as woman, im sorry, but its hard, Do not ***** at men. Never! They cannot handle bitching. Their brain shuts down, their motor skills come to a hault! All joking set aside. most woman have no idea how much we ***** and nag and that does not go well with them. Even if they deserve it to the 10th degree, dont do it, youll be suprised at how much they are willing to give in a relationship if they dont have to hear nagging all the time.

  13. As the harvest moon begins to shine it's radiant glow, notice that the fields sown with corn seed is ready for it's corn to be harvested, yet the  fields sown with the seeds of the squash has not produced corn but more squash. Each field has different crops to be harvested under the full moon.

  14. Give men the benifit of the dought until they prove it to be wrong.  There are still good ones out there.  Believe me I found a great man, who doesn't take me for granted.

  15. Then you can assume that you are hanging around the wrong kind of men. Or either you arn't trying hard enough to find the ones that arn't stereotypical.

  16. Don't be a sterotypical woman and lower ur standards. To blow a guy off cause he is shorter than u or a little chubby.

  17. You can start by not being a frigid twit...the second you assume a man is a stereotype, the second it pisses us off and we show you just how much like and beyond the stereotype we can be. If you treat us with respect, that's what you'll get in return. Treat us like "men" and we'll act like it.

  18. Easy, stop judging them, as I daresay the ones you will meet will judge you as  being a stereotypical woman, how awful would that be???

  19. men are all the same.  good ones are usually taken. :) if not, some are g**s.

  20. Date the ones who don't act according to the stereotypes.

  21. Same for women really. You just have to keep searching, maybe you'll never find the right man if you believe the majority act to a stereotype.

  22. Who cares about your perception of anything? Now go get me a beer. By the way I know plenty of men who don't follow the stereotype. They sit around by themselves on a friday night watching romantic comedies because girls like you would shoot their sissy @sses down in a heartbeat were you actually to meet them. Stereotypical guys are a reaction to stereotypical girls.

  23. well can start by not placing stereotypes on us, but if that is the way you are going to see men then why bother.

  24. Look for different type of men.

    You are probably looking at one type of guy, and getting the same results.

    Try a different kind.



  25. First you have to forget that the stereotypes even exist. Once your mind is more open to their flaws, it will also be more perceptive to their attributes. You can't expect them, even without consciously realizing it, to follow those preset stereotypes. There will always be the ones that no matter what you can't believe how stereotypical cookie-cutter they are, but you have to remember that there are those out there that are worth your time. Jus tkeep your mind open at all times, and remember that everyone has their flaws. Even you have womanly stereotypes.

  26. by meeting the very few men that dont meet those stereotypes...i imagine they are out there somewhere...billions of people on earth there has to be a few thousand that arent dirks.

  27. Ha, i feel the same way!

    Soon enough you'll meet a guy who goes against the steriotypes

  28. I think the real question you should ask yourself is "Why do I hang around men who act according to the stereotype?" Because there are people who fit into the molds that society has casted of them, but it's your choice to interact with those people or not.

    The only way you can change your mind about all men is if (and when) you start finding suitable men to hang around. I know you can't avoid all of them (because there are good and bad men everywhere you go). But start attending social gathering and functions with people who're more socially sophisticated or who's views of others (race or s*x) is not so judgmental or critical. Remember, you can't base your perception of all men on the actions of a few.

  29. Try a different type of man than what you've been going for!  Not all men are the same, not by far!  Men are individuals, just like us.  We're all human, and we're all different!

  30. Realize that:

    a) Noone is perfect

    b) You shouldn't try and change someone to fit your perceptions

    c) Every man will have some stereotypical behaivor, the trick is to find men that have behaivors that you can deal with the best.

    d) Go somewhere else other than places where you are finding these men that fit the stereotypes you're thinking of

    e) Men ask the same thing about women

    For example, if you frequent bars, clubs, rave parties, etc, you're going to see a certain type of man. If you go to libraries, little league games, and parks, chances are you will see a different type of man that may have less stereotypical behaivor than you've been seeing.

    Good luck!

  31. Spend time with a platonic male friend enjoying an activity you both enjoy.  This way you will slowly see that some of us are human.  That might help you change your perception that we are all cardboard cutouts of some perception.

    When your attitude changes, a good man will appear in your life.  :)  Good luck.

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