
How do I go about finding my birth parents?

by Guest62435  |  earlier

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All I know is that it was a closed Catholic adoption and that I was born in Rockford, IL. I have no names. I would like to find them for medical reasons but I have no idea how to even begin searching. Please Help!




  1. ask the hopison you were born in or the adopten place

  2. go back to the adoption agency you where adopted from

  3. ----->   THIS IS THE INFORMATION YOU NEED!!!   <-----

    First, sign up on  It's the registry we refer everyone to first. It's the International Soundex Reunion Registry.  They have made lots of matches.  

    RegDay is Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007,. so you might want to see if there will be one in your area.  It's to promote the registry so people who want to be found can register and hopefully find their birth families.  It's for Adoptees, Birthparents, Adoptive Parents, Siblings, etc.  Check it out.  Please think about volunteering to help in your area, or if there isn't one already, perhaps you can host a site.  Everything you need to know is on the web page.  E-mail PetraB for more info.

    Then see if the state you were adopted in has a registry, and register there.

    Then join some of the online groups.  

    Yahoo groups:

    Soaring Angels

    The Registry

    Other groups:


    Once you join one group, everyone will recommend other groups to you, and they will help you search.

    When you join, say that "girl" told you about them, so I'll know who you are.

    Good luck.

  4. Go there, Also go to it will help ya alot. Im sure your birth mom would love to hear from you.

  5. I don't know if you have the money or not. But you can get a lawyer and go infront of a judge and get the paper work from that. But your adopted parents should have the paper work themselves. And if you was born in Rockford, IL then you can go back to when you was born and get medical documents then. It should have tons of paper work of children being born that date you was born and so forth.. I wish you luck.

  6. how old r u i live in rockford il too

    and i know like five adopted kids and they all live in rockford

    my aunt is catholic and at her church she can ask if any one had a chid that would be twenty one that they put up for adoption

  7. When you discover the solution let me know.  At least you have discovered location.  For some any information are unclear.  There ought to be some ruling that whereas an adoptee attains to legal age, the packet are opened "by request only from the adoptee", if the adoptee even knows they were adopted.  Much as opposed to current dilemma where one must search unto the ends of the earth to attempt and arrive at their own identity or lineage.

    Best of luck, warm hugs if such are permissible.  I hope you are able to arrive at needed information.

  8. I would ask your adoptive parents.

  9. I think a lot of it depends on the laws of your state, but I was born in Kansas, and all I had to do was request an original pre-adoption copy of my birth certificate, which listed my birthmother's name. Then I started doing research from there. Once you have a name and birthdate, you can do a lot of public records searches to find out about any marriages and name changes, etc. Good luck to you!

  10. You should go to Tina's Adoption Search website.  They will lead you through each step of searching.

    Good luck!

  11. Go to their home and look in their livingroom, if not there then check in their bedroom.

  12. the place from where your step parents have adopted you go there you can find some links there.

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