
How do I go about flipping Real Estate contracts? is that called short sales? How can I...

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sell contract to other investors, I just started out as a BIRD-DOG found a mentor & company that will help me, did some due dillegence even pointed out some abandon buildings and a street full of house that maybe potential sales.I could not get in touch with my mentor for a week and a couple of days. I have to find more partners and mentors. I have to start all over again. where can I FIND SCAM FREE PROGRAMS or Real mentors whom will walk me threw deals. I thought Real Estate is a relationship business not burn your bridges business. I am looking to leverage myself to eventually partner and do deals on my own.(what is the fastest way to make money in Real Estate?) short-sales are 3 months? I thought about becoming an agent but I was told it my get in the way of doing certain things in Investing? I am honestly looking for a start, advice and building serious partnerships.

All answers will be very much appreciated.




  1. I will tell you this about real estate: it is cut throat and people will s***w you 6 ways to Sunday. Anybody who says that ain't true is a liar. That's another thing... for everything someone tells you in real estate, there are 10 other people who will tell you 10 different things.

    I'm glad you seem honest and I wish I could help you with this but all I can tell you is they are all thieves and you have to watch what you are doing.    

  2. not to burn your bridges?  youve gotta be kidding me.  Real estate is the business where you stab everybody you see ...If not, they will stab you...But, as far as your cry for help...You dont seem to be providing anything to everybody else.....You want everybody to help you...but whats in it for everybody else?  If I dont get paid like you not helping you........It doesnt even have to be much, but it has to be something man......cant just think of yourself...nothings for free....rethink your plan far.....I see that you want everything for yourself...and making deals on your own......

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