
How do I go about getting Dual citizenship between the U.S. and the UK?

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My mom is British but I was born in the U.S, I heard there is a way to get dual citizenship but there is a deadline. Does anyone know how this works?




  1. Neither the US nor the UK forbids dual citizenship.

    You are already entitled to US citizenship for life through birth in the US, unless your mother had diplomatic status while she was there.  There is no deadline to acquire your first US passport.

    British citizenship law is very complex.  In general, if you were born on or after 1 January 1983, you  automatically acquired British citizenship by descent from your mother.  If you were born between 8 February 1961 and 31 December 1982 to a British mother, you may be entitled to register as a British citizen by descent.  But you really need to contact the nearest British embassy or consulate and talk over your specific case with them.  The UK embassy web page is below:

  2. or search it in the yahoo

  3. yea

  4. could you please tell me how old you are ?

    Jus sanguinis (Latin for "right of blood") is a right by which nationality or citizenship can be recognized to any individual born to a parent who is a national or citizen of that state.

    UK and US recognize dual citizenships .......

    BN18 - Information about dual nationality

    The Law in the United Kingdom

    In general there is no restriction, in UK law, on a British national being a citizen of another country as well. So, if you get another nationality, you will not lose your British nationality. Similarly, you will not need to give up any other nationality when you become British. (Different rules apply in the cases of British protected persons and certain British subjects. A person who is a British subject otherwise than by connection with the Republic of Ireland will lose that status on acquiring any other nationality or citizenship. Similarly, a British protected person will no longer be a British protected person on acquiring any other nationality or citizenship.)

    come back and tell me your age ..........if you wish ?

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