
How do I go about getting tested for a learning disability?I am 19 years old.?

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What are the exact steps to doing this? I've searched online and I've found all kinds of pages with great information but I dont know how in the world you can be evaluated for this. Who should I call? Where would I go?




  1. As others have said, if you haven't graduated, write a letter to your high school requesting evaluation.  You can use this sample letter from our web site.  You will need to alter the language a bit since the letter is coming from you:

    Sample Letter 2: Requesting an Initial Evaluation

    Today's Date (include month, day, and year)

    Your Name

    Street Address

    City, State, Zip Code

    Daytime telephone number

    Name of Principal or Special Education Administrator

    Name of School

    Street Address

    City, State, Zip Code

    Dear (Principal's or Administrator's name),

    I am writing to request that my son/daughter, (child's name), be evaluated for special education services. I am worried that (child's name) is not doing well in school and believe he/she may need special services in order to learn. (Child's name) is in the ( _ ) grade at (name of school). (Teacher's name) is his/her teacher.

    Specifically, I am worried because (child's name) does/does not (give a few direct examples of your child's problems at school).

    We have tried the following to help (child's name): (If you or the school have done anything extra to help your child, briefly state it here).

    I understand that I have to give written permission in order for (child's name) to be evaluated. Before the evaluation begins, I have some questions about the process that I need to have answered (list any questions you may have). I would be happy to talk with you about (child's name). You can send me information or call me during the day at (daytime telephone number). Thank you for your prompt attention to my request.


    Your name

    cc: your child's principal (if letter is addressed to an administrator)

    your child's teacher(s)


    Note: If your child has been identified as having a disability by professionals outside the school system, add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph above.

    (Child's name) has been identified as having (name of disability) by (name of professional). Enclosed is a copy of the report(s) I have received that explains (child's name) condition.

    A private evaluation by a psychologist is the best option, however can be expensive.  You can seek out local grass-roots support groups for referrals to low-cost individuals.  You may also want to contact your local Regional Center which are funded by Department of Developmental Disabilities. If you contact me with your location, I can help you find the info.

  2. you should go back to your high school and talk to your high school psychologist. the state is responsible for your education until you're 21. They might be able to help you. even if they can't, they can point you in the right direction. cheers.

  3. I have learning disabilities. In all honesty to get an accurate evaluation as an adult and if you're planning to further pursue any type of education. Look into a local Vocational Rehabilitation agency. They will send you to one of their psychologist. They will give you the write evaluation you need if you intend to take college classes. I didn't have to pay for it. If you have plans to pursue college or a technical school you can get  VR help financially for you college credit or vocational credit classes.

  4. If you are in the US and have graduated from high school, you can go to a private clinical or school psychologist, just look in the phone book.  Be prepared to pay a good chunk of cash.  

    If you haven't graduated from high school yet, you can go to your school and request that you be evaluated for free.  This service is only offered until you graduate, however, because at that point, you are no longer considered a school-aged child.  

    If you attend a public college, your school should have office of disabled student services.  They can refer you to local psychologist, but again you'll pay yourself.  But you can take your report to your college to see if you qualify for accomodations.

    Also check your local universities to see if there is a School Psychology program around, because they often have clinics where masters and doctoral level students do assessments with supervision.  That is your cheapest option if you can't get it for free.  When I was in school 10 years ago, we charged $75 for a complete eval, which was dirt cheap.  Check here for a list of universities that offer the program:

  5. If you have graduated rom high school-theey are no longer responsible for your education.  If you are in college they could have an office for students with disabilities to direct you to services they have such as testign for LD.

    Privately, you need an educational psychologist.

  6. If you are in college, most universities and colleges will be able to point you in the right direction. Meet with someone in your school's student services department, tell them your concerns and they can help you to arrange something. If you are not in college, there are many resources within your community. An educational psychologist can conduct an evaluation but this is often experience. Some insurance plans will cover part if not all of this, but not many from my understanding. If you have a community mental health clinic, they often have multiple staff members that can conduct evaluations as well. Most every hospital has specialists in this area to that are qualified to test individuals, but again, this may be a cost issue. Here is a good website that may help in further pointing you in the right direction.

    Good luck!

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