
How do I go about getting voice over work?

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I have a very good speaking voice and a talent for building rapport with people. Where do I start? I'm not looking for anything glamorous, just some extra income.




  1. Here's a great FAQ written by a Hollywood writer who deals a lot with children's shows and comic books:

    And here's some more of him:

    Check these links out for hints and tips.

  2. I am a professional sound designer/composer who has worked with a few voice talents. It is very hard to get paid at first if you have no experience with voice work. You need at least a few credits first before people will pay you for your time. One of my friends who I must say is the most talent I have encountered so far, had to do 3 gigs with no pay. That is rare. I think on average, you may need about 5 gigs to prove yourself. It also depends on the type of gig. If the production is successful/well known/prestigious then you may find a paying gig right after.

    The best route is to find a few gigs for free. Build up a portfolio, references then find some acting/voice talent agency. I can't refer you to any agencies since I don't know where you live. But I'm sure if you research you can find some if you live in a city.

    The best way to find free gigs:

    Find some schools where students produce their own animation or games with an audio program.

    Games is a great gig. If you can do multiple voices, they may get you to do all voices of your gender. It shows versitility. Voice acting is sought after in games. Especially good voices with real acting ability.

    Also, you may try to find some sound engineering schools where they have to record dialogue for their projects, this way they will provide you with a recording studio and you'll have experience in a studio.

    One school that may have all the programs mentioned is The Art Institute.  

    You may also try to post up ads on

    Or - film scouting site.

    My friend mentioned above is working exclusively with me as his sound person. You may want to find a sound engineer that will work with you for a low price. There are many sound engineers that have just entered the industry. They may want to record you for practice and low pay.  Try finding one on

    Good luck!

  3. If you want to get paid you are going to need good quality equipment. There are a couple of online sites such as and that you have to pay for to be able to audition and they don't guarantee you will ever land a job. I suggest you head on over to an amateur board like the VAA or VAC to get started into it first and develop a demo.

    Even though I'm in a ton of productions, I've only had about 3 or 4 professional gigs.

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