
How do I go about reporting one, fraudulent marriage, two immigration fraud and defrauding the army via benef?

by  |  earlier

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I know this person who left NY to go to ATL to marry a soldier solely for the purpose of immigration benefit; and if that is not bad, he is collecting money from the government for her because she is his spose. Who do I report this too, immigration or US army?




  1. I think probably both. I would contact the INS first of all. (Immigration)

  2. Call ICE and they will tell you how to do it.  Stop criminal activities is our responsibility.

  3. Apparently, it's a terms of service violation to give you this information.  Yahoo won't tell me why.  Several of the reporting websites have now been blocked with that "error 999" message.  Sorry, but apparently Yahoo is aiding and abetting.  

    You might want to reconsider asking any questions that might get an illegal alien deported.  You'll get reported by the Anchor Baby Brigade.

  4. Immigration and Customs Enforcement seems like the right place to start and they will bring the Army in, if there is actually a case to be made.  I hope all your ducks are in order regarding your information???

  5. I agree with the first poster, what benfit is it for you to report? Why do you have to be such snitch?

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