
How do I go about setting up a web-hosting business in Mumbai, India?

by  |  earlier

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What would be the initial capital required, What hardware is needed. Pls guide. Any website with some detailed information in this regard.





  1. hi we deal in second hand and new computers and spares .. if u want we can get u the pc for ur office at low rates .. new hcl pc are at sale for 11000 rs (with lcd) can contact me at  we also buy spares and old pc

  2. I don't live in India but the easiest way to do it is to get a few servers of your own (or buy dedicated) and have them in a data center.

  3. The easiest would be to just sign up for a reseller hosting account, and run it from there until you need a dedicated server.

  4. Use reseller account for this. With reseller account u get the best solution. This is for start up after that buy dedicated server but this time a gud reseller account give u best solution for more details check out these websites


  5. Talk to someone who has good background in network(not the PC ones, something more easier to scale like Unix or Linux), so you can be ready to grow.  And you will have to decide on what platform you want to start with -- all discussion with your system admin, then you will purchase the machine.  Unix system are steady in big scale usage, but expensive, and PC are cheaper but not too stable. but you can scale up or down using PC.

    And you need to find out where you can host your server PHYSCIALLY in India, because it needs to be connected in a data center with bandwidth (T1-DSL etc...)

    You want to buy the server, then you need to check out all the prices, new, used....... and software provided... like database etc.. what is your business model, and how to make money.... etc...

    Check out how Yahoo Webhosting working.

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