This is my idea. Whether it will work or not is completely up in the air at this point. I'm thinking about starting a "project"-we'll call it that for now. Every year after Christmas, I start thinking about where we'd like to go for a family vacation (we usually go on 2 vacations every summer). This year I thought about doing something different though. I'm thinking about taking the money we'd spend one of our vacations and spending it on a "working poor" family. A family who is working and doing everything they can to keep a roof over their kids heads and food on the table, but they don't have much left after that for "luxuries" such as a vacation. Some of my greatest memories as a kid are our family vacations and I know some families just cannot afford to go anywhere. I just have no idea how to do this, or how to even pick a family. I'd want to be VERY picky in choosing a family b/c it would be my personal money spent on them. Does this even sound like a good idea?