
How do I go from one flight to the next in a large airport terminal?

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I'm 14, will be flying by myself, and do not have one of those helper people. I will be flying from Canada to Hong Kong to ANOTHER airport, and then ANOTHER airport. Last time I took a flight, my parents did everything, so I don't really know what to do.

If I'm in transit in an airport, can I still see the board with all the flights listed on it or something? I've heard the Hong Kong airport is REALLY big with a lot of floors and stuff. It sounds frightening, and I am very shy, so I would rather not ask somebody... also I wouldnt know how to or understand the other person in Chinese.





  1. Normally all international airport contain the signboard in English.

    - You just need to ask the Flight-Crew Memberfor help, if you need any help

    - You can locatethe nearby Inquiry counter and take the map for the airport and then you can locate.

    - You can find out the counter for your airlines and ask for their help.

    Wish you all the best.

  2. You should be able to navigate the airport pretty easily. There's only 2 terminals, so it shouldn't be bad. The signs will be in English and they'll be signs directing you on where to go. You should map out where you need to go by going to their website.

    If you do have to ask someone, basically everyone in Hong Kong speaks English. It was under British rule up until the year 1997, so English is prevalent.

  3. Make sure that your bags are checked through to your final destination.  While you are on your 1st flight make friends with one of the female flight attendants.  Ask her for help.  She will probably have someone meet you and walk you through the transit.  This is easy stuff and they handle it every day.  Even without you asking they will probably have signs for passengers to follow to their next destination.   So don't worry so much and try to overcome your shyness while on board with nothing else to do.  You'll do fine.  If this is really freaking you out... Write down your question on a sheet of paper before your flight and in the note tell them about your shyness.  Then just hand the flight attendant the note.  She will take it from there.

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