
How do I go to sleep earlier???

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Well, I start school tommorow, and this past week, I've been trying to go to sleep earlier than when I do in the summer. This summer, I've usually stayed up until 4 AM. So, now, I'm not tired at 9 or 10 or 11 pm. But, I have to go to bed at those times so I wake up early enough for school. How do I fall asleep earlier than usual? Like, 9 or 10?

Thank you. :]




  1. This is what I do and it works every time.

    Ok, say your class is Monday.  Pull an all nighter on Saturday night.  Don't sleep at ALL.... go all day Sunday without sleeping.  You're guaranteed to pass out by 9 pm.

    Another alternative measure is to stay up late Saturday night... then set your alarm for early Sunday morning and stay up all day.

    You'll be tired by bedtime.

  2. Wake up early. Be very active during the day.. whether going swimming in the evening, or something else.

    Sitting around and waiting to go to sleep, will not help.

  3. It will take a few days to get back on schedule, however, drink some chamomile tea and you'll fall right to sleep!

  4. Well, you waited until the last night to figure this one out.

    If you go to bed early tonight you will probably lay awake all night not to mention the anxiety of your first day back to school usually keeps everyone up later then usual as is. My suggestion stay up late again tonight you will probably be half dead in the morning but just suffer it out for the first day then make yourself go to bed that night between 10 and 11pm you have to recondition yourself and it may take a few days. Take a book to bed and try reading for awhile that should help you as well.You could also take some folic acid that usually helps one to go to sleep and it's good for you.

  5. you will probably wont sleep the first night before the first day of school, but you have to wake up. and when you finish that day at school, and you get home, do not go to sleep, until like nine. do that everyday for 21 consecutive days and youll be fine.

  6. wake up earlyer...tomm. like a lot earlyer ull get tired and then ull be exausted and fall asleep

  7. It's going to take some time to readjust your sleep cycle from 4am to 9pm.  My advice would be to take it back slowly; like a half hour each night, or for example 1.00am for a whole week, and then 12.30 for another and so on until you reach your desired time.

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