
How do I go vegetarian?

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I know I'll give in , any words of advise ?




  1. If you don't feel that your will is strong enough, watch Earthlings to remind you of why you made the decision.

    There are a few things that you should know.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereal yet still have a B12 status lower than recommended. Just so you know, B12 is made by bacteria, not by animals.

    You don't need to buy any special food or fake meat. Bread pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies are all that you need.

  2. but its kinda not healthy

    cause one of my moms

    friends was a vegetarian and i believe she took protein

    vitamins she ended up getting

    cancer because some types of protein you have to

    get from meat

    and she passed away

    but she is the last person you would think

    would get sick cuz she was perfectly healthy in the army

    and ran regularly she was 40 sumthin

  3. dont eat meat  

  4. why would you want to do that,have your teeth fallen out or something

  5. Think of the little animals!!!

    When you get cravings for meat think of a little lamb jumping around going baaaah!!!

    Sorry I wasn't much help!

    Good luck tho babe x

  6. Get a really good cook book or look for some recipes and try and keep the food exciting. I suppose it can be a bit off putting to just eat veg day in day out, but if you try different flavours with quorn and soya products you'll be fine. Chinese or thai vegetables are fab.

  7. Cut out one meat product at a time - for instance you could stop eating beef (burgers, steaks, etc.) first.

    Then, when you are used to this, stop eating poultry (chicken, turkey).  And finally stop eating fish.

    Make sure you eat plenty of beans and vegetables to ensure you get all the vitamins you need.

    Try the Vegetarian Society website for more advice.  They have lots of great advice for how to become vegetarian and lots of great recipes.

  8. you need to first make the step of eliminating eating meat all together

    it would help you out to get books and visit sites as well

    you should also seek out people who are vegetarian and start shooping at health stores (whole foods etc.) and ask them for food advice and what easy things you can make for yourself for breakfast lunch and dinner as well as snacks

    have a clear vision as to why you want to be vegetarian so you dont feel like wanting to eat meat again the key is to EDUCATE YOURSELF so you realy dig deep and understand why vegetarian is better for you

    congrats and goodluck

  9. Stop eating meat you muppet.

  10. eat quorn- its basically  equivallent to meat and chicken!  

  11. don't eat meat, and eat quorn  

  12. You point yourself towards common sense and real subtle like go left.

  13. dont eat meat, wear animal produced products, make sure you supplement (naturally preferably, without the use of pills).  Ie get your iron from leafy green vegetables, and your protein with soya products.  You may feel unwell at first and suffer from chronic wind but dont give up.

  14. michael h. you really are a sad pathetic little freak. go die somewhere r****d !

  15. Eat Quorn and soya - they're the most like meat of all veggie alternatives to meat. Both these kinds of food are very versatile, especially Quorn so you'll be less tempted to go back to meat and fish.

    You'll have to consider why you're becoming a veggie. If it's for moral reasons then it'll be easier for you because your conscience will prevent you from eating meat, fish and slaughter by-products.

    For loads of info about becomming a veggie, the definition of a veggie and what to avoid (stuff like some beer and wine and smarties) I recommend you have a look at the Vegetarian Society website. It's   I found it really usefu when I became a veggie.

    In terms of eating out, there's loads more choice nowadays than when I first became a veggie 7 years ago. Just be wary of dishes that contain cheese at cafes and restaurants and such places because many people don't know that many brands and types of cheese contain animal rennet (it's a slaughter by-product that comes from calves' stomachs) so even if a dish is under the veggie section of the menu the cheese may well not be suitable. Traditional cheese is the worst culprit for this. Cheeses from supermarkets and shops that are marked as suitable for veggies are fine.

    Be aware of sweets. They more often than not contain gelatin and/or chochineal and other non-veggie ingredients. If it doesn't say vegetarian on the packet then avoid it like the plague.

    Other than that you may not want to use hair and/or make-up that contains slaughter by-products like glycerin. Also, do you want to use products that aren't tested on animals? You may want to consider those things too.

    Becoming a veggie may seem daunting at first but it gets easier pretty quickly and you begin to remember what types of food you can eat and which foods and/or brands to avoid.

    Hope this helps and congrats on your new-found vegetarianism:-)

  16. You cut out meat, fish, seafood, eggs.

    Eat quorn, fruit, veg, nuts, seeds, there are tons of things to eat, lok them up.

  17. IGNORE the person who said her moms friend died bc she was a vegetarian and she got cancer and blah blah blah.

    Studies show that people who are vegetarians,Live LONGER than others,and they have lower risks of heart problems,and high blood pressure.

    And there are so many OTHER ways to get protein besides meat,think of all of your ancestors who went without meat!!

    She/He doesen't know what they're talking about obviously.

    watch this youtube video,,it will change the way you think about what goes on your plate I promise.

    I know it's kind of long(12:00) but I PROMISE,it will help heaps!

  18. Reconsider. Animal products are an important part of the human diet.

    If you feel you must go vegetarian, make sure you eat plenty of eggs and dairy products.

  19. I'm not veggie. I don't buy meat but I eat it if someone else cooks it for me as I don't like to be awkward and waste food or the animals life that has been taken. Personally I think about the animal I'm eating and whether is was killed humanely or whether it suffered and it puts me right off. Look at pictures of abotoirs. That'll put you off meat.

    You don't have to go the whole hog or make an issue out of it. That just makes it a problem. Just don't eat meat if you don't want and eat it if you do want.

  20. stop eating meat, but you may need to add more protein to your diet by eating more nuts and beans

  21. watch

  22. Don't eat meat of any animal, birds, fish, marine food, egg or even mushroom.  Then u r 1st class vegetarian. Eat only vegetations like vegetables, fruits, and green leaves. And have determination to do it - come what may. Good luck.    

  23. Awesome that you want  to go vegetarian! This blog is good: . It has links to guides, information, reasons to go veg, recipe sites, foods to eat, other vegan blogs, nutrition, tips and ideas, just go to toggle post. Good place to start there:

    Some other sites that will help:

    Just remember check the ingredients and research on nutrition nd what foods to eat (links above)!

  24. For me I made a gradual transition.  Sometimes people have trouble giving it up cold turkey so if you are one of them you could try to start by eating vegetarian every other day or 2 out of 3 meals a day.  You will get used to it as time goes on.

  25. make a list of all the egg,seafood and meat foods that you like, a thorough research of what nutrients they supply your body with and investigate all non animal origin foods that can supply you with the same may consume dairy food if you decide to be a general vegetarian though...plan your daily menu from there onwards...visit all groceries at where you live and compare the prices of all dairy foods,soy foods and other foods that can be used for cooking vegetarian foods for you..plan your monthly budget from here may seem like tonnes of work buy in the long run you wont regret it,trust me!you may also investigate what are the options for vegetarians offered at all the restaurants at where you live...

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