
How do I grow veggies for free?

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where (HOW) could i get or grow free vegies




  1. You could save seeds from the foods your have eaten but they would not produce sufficiently because they have either been hybridized or in cold storage.

    So your best bet is to buy the seeds either from an online catalog or any garden center such as Lowes, Home Depot or Walmart, Kmart or Target

  2. you need good soil, add worms and packet compost. veges need a lot of water.when u first start gardening it is such fun, i sort of self taught myself (my sis got me started) cause i live in a flat i have heaps of indoor plants and a few flowers downstairs.

  3. You can't you have to buy to seeds but the rest is free

  4. This is the time of year many garden centers start putting all their garden supplies on clearance to start making room for their Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff.  One garden shop in town has vegetable seeds for eleven cents a packet  (!!!).  Seeds can last for several years depending on the vegetable seed, so I bought seeds for next spring.

    Another way to grow vegetables is to save the seeds from your heirloom vegetables.  Heirloom varieties are the tried-and-true varieties from decades ago.  They can regrow from seed. But most greenhouses and commercial growers grow hybrid varieties that are more disease resistant or tranport better.  They do not always grow true from seed.  Tomatoes, beans and peppers can easily grow from seed if they are properly dried first before sowing.

    And speaking of beans, if you have a bag of white beans you can plant them in the soil and they will grow into nice bean bushes.  Whole peas will do the same.  If you have those around, you already have your seed stock available for spring growing!

    Potatoes can grow from sliced tubers that have buds growing, but many potatoes sold in stores today are chemically treated not to resprout, as resprouts look bad and make the potato more bitter if left to grow.

    You can also check in your area for a local garden club.  The club here in town collects and saves seeds from native plants and gives them away at Farmer's Markets.

  5. get the seeds from the veggies  (that you gotta buy first.........) and leave them to dry, keep them it dry, warm, sunny places ( like on a veranda or something and then you can plant them like you plant flower seads

  6. A garden is lots of hard work and some money.  I had (last year) a 500 sq. ft garden and had to be in it every day.  You need fertilizer, garden tools and lots of water.  It's not free by any means, but it is healthier for you to eat your own produce.

  7. Buy heirloom vegetable seeds, learn about seed saving (Seed to Seed bt Ashcroft is an excellent title on the subject) and how to grow crops for seed saving. grow things next season with seed saving in mind. save the various seeds you want to grow the following year.

    Also make compost piles from seed free weeds, leaves, manure, rotten vegetables and other no meat waste around your yard.

    get on free cycle ( and ask around for non gas powered tools such as shovels, hoes, trowels, forks, rakes, wheelbarrows, push mower, etc.. Do not ask for gas powered equipment (which will make gardening much easier, especially mowing and opening up ground for a garden, but gas costs $$$). make your own pesticides out of soap, hot peppers, garlic, etc..

    If you don't want to go through all that you can get veggies for free a couple of ways. Volunteer on a small farm. I take the occasional volunteer and pay them with food

    Go dumpster diving outside a store with a produce section.

  8. if that were possible, our farmers would be rich men....

  9. i got a baking potato from tesco (supermarket) and planted that when roots had grown! and i have grown them in tires so i can keep adding them as the plant grows and you get more spuds =)

    i picked a few seeds from a green pepper i got from tesco and dried it and planted it and its growing nice and big, same with tomatoes i have a beef and cherry tomato plants growing.. and i have a butternut squash growing! pretty much anything with seeds in you can get from a supermarket =) and one tomato and one spud doesnt cost much.. you can also grow a avocado pip =)

    good luck growing your veg =) i have a garden and a crazy dog so everything i grow is in pots and tires lol

  10. Uh, well first you will need a garden with good soil. And I'm guessing you can buy seeds at a low price? Or else buy a small vegetable plant and plant it. Make sure you water it atleast twice a day. It will also need lots of sun. Good luck.

  11. i dunno about free, but go to a hardware store and find seeds for like a dollar a pack...

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