
How do I guess a person's age and weight?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a job at an amusement park doing this. I was hired because of my acting ability (they want me to play a "psychic"). I can act the part fine, but don't actually know how to do the guessing (and don't want to offend anyone)! Any ideas?




  1. think if they are teens , young adults , grown ups and elderly

    in other words 13-19, 20-29, 30-65, 65+

  2. If you're worried about offending someone, don't.  If I remember correctly from when we played, the player gets to choose what you guess.  If they choose weight that's their fault if what you say offends them.

  3. Well, I work at an amusement park and I had to work that game before, what they told me to do is to base the people off people you know and how old they are that worked for me. But honestly it is just a guess there is no real method I can give you.

  4. if the person is with soem one like friends, parent, or girl friend/ boy friend   look at thier "friends" and quess how old they are, then think about how old they must be??

  5. It's always just an educated guess.

    Because of the "must be within ________ pounds/years/months" you have a nice buffer zone for guessing.

    Your guess on weight is just based on your judgment of the person's size and clothing.  Just don't say a little girl weighs like 150lbs.

    For age, it's really based on your judgment again, but look at who the person is with.  If they're with a group of people their age then chances are they're a teenager and probably between 14-20.  If they're with family, then maybe anywhere from 8-15.  Again, because of the buffer zone of guesses, you should be safe.  Unfortunately, with young girls dressing the way they do nowadays, they tend to look a lot older then they really are.

    For birthday month, it's a 50/50 shot.  The buffer zone is usually must be within 3 months, meaning you have a 3 month buffer zone on each side of their month.

    Hope this helps.

  6. you can ask a series of questions, you will need to be able tell them into dif. age groups, then guess how you want, you can tell fat people, from skinny people.

    You can tell by the age about how much they should weigh,

    most little kids weigh under 85 lbs.

    teens weigh any where from 85-130

    adults-- you will need to tell by there size, same with elderly

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