
How do I handle a firing

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We have to fire someone today (front desk/cashier). She's been on board for only a few weeks and in that time the register drawer has been short more than ever and all signs point to her. I'm not the one counting the drawer at night but this is what i'm told.

What is the correct way to handle this firing? We don't have security cameras installed so there is no hard proof it's her other than receipts and and an uneven drawer during her shifts. I just want to make sure i'm covering myself here.




  1. Just tell her that based on her performance you don't feel that this is the right position for her. If asked why, be honest. Tell her the cash has been short and while you're not accusing her of stealing it, it can't be overlooked and is not fair to the other employees.

  2. just be like, im sorry that I am the one who has to break the news but we are going to have to let you go.  If you have any further questions tell her to take it up with management

  3. The other answers have been good, just three points.

    1.  Make sure you have another supervisor/manager present when you terminate the employee.  

    2.  Have her final paycheck ready to give her at the conclusion of the meeting.  

    3.  At the conclusion of the meeting, escort her to her locker to clear it out, then escort her off the premises.  

    One of my supervisors one time told a temporary carrier (USPS) that he was being terminated at the end of the day, then let him go out and deliver mail.  Surprise, surprise, he managed to hurt his back out on the street, and even though he was still terminated, he received workers comp for a couple of months, plus physical therapy.  That was terminated when he was seen working for a roofing company, and carrying rolls of tar paper up a ladder several doors from the post office.  

  4. Just tell her the truth -- the register drawer continues to come up short and so you're letting her go.

    It may be that she isn't stealing, just bad at counting back money.  All you are telling her is that the drawer is short, you're not accusing her of any crimes.

    Have a witness, just to be safe.

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