
How do I handle an act of vandalism with the police? legal advice?

by  |  earlier

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I threw down a cinderblock in a parking lot and the owners say it caused damage to their parking lot. They got my buddies license plate and gave it to the police. Now the police want to know what happened. What should I say and what shouldn't i say to the police?




  1. You should tell the truth, and cover the costs of damage.  And quit doing stupid c**p.

  2. I have found in life that if you do mess up, you should stick your hand up and admit it. You may suffer some penalty but almost certainly less than if you were to lie about it. People have more respect for you if can be man enough to be honest.

    Stand up and tell the truth. This is true through most areas in life, work, the law and even family

    hope this helps

  3. say; the truth

    don't say; bullshit

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