
How do I handle depression after medication?

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Earlier this summer I was hospitalized for depression and suicidal tendencies. I was put on medication for depression and social anxiety. I just recently started college and for some reason, my doctor stopped my medication all together. I am having problems with feeling down all the time, being unsure of myself and fighting back the urge to cry randomly. I know that there has to be a way to deal with this without going back on medication. Does anyone have any tips?




  1. I delt with depression myself because kids in school picked on me and hurt me. But developed patience, no fear, HOPE, and confidence.  You should too. When you get upset do something fun and happy. Always thing positive and be happy. Never think negative.

    Also watch this movie its called the Secret. It really helped me. It should help you.

    click the one with the 91 minutes on it and watch it

  2. I would go back to your doctor, or even go to a psychiatrist if you don't think your doctor made the right decision (I don't think he did). A lot of the time, you should stay on the medication even if you are feeling better and then come off it slowly, under the advice of your professional.  A short burst of time like that on medication is probably not likely to have helped in the long run, sometimes the drugs are necessary to "train" (I hate that term but can't think of a better one) your mind into thinking at a level above the depression.

    Also you can't expect the medication or your condition to disappear completely, as depressive tendencies in a person have the ability to stay around, even if they're below the surface.

    If you really aren't keen on going back on the medication, the only thing I can suggest is seeing a therapist on a weekly basis - having someone who won't judge and can help you through even the smallest of problems could do you a world of good.  

  3. I don't understand why your doctor took you off meds.  Sometimes it is a chemical imbalance and you need help from medication.  I suffered panic attacks for years on and off; I have decided if a diabetic needs there insulin, then I need my drugs.

  4. i would first look into why in the h**l your doc stopped your meds, that is dangerous. you need to see a therapist, you may need medication for a while

  5. See your doctor again and ask for advice.  See if maybe you can do some Cognitive Behaviour Therapy it may help alleviate some of the problems.

  6. You could also be having withdrawals from your doctor just stopping your medication. I've been there and as far as I'm concerned if it helped the first time I would go back on it. If your doctor won't put you on it then I would find a new doctor. Obviously hes not listening to you. Antidepressants you don't just stop, you need to be weened off of them.

  7. Talk to your doctor and tell him how you are feeling.  Starting college is very stressful for just about everyone though, so you are definitely not alone.  If you don't feel your doctor is taking your problems seriously, maybe you should get a second opinion.

  8. either go back to your doctor or find another one who can help you. If your MD stopped all your meds together though there must have been a reason.

    In the meantime try going to your school counseling office so that they may be aware of your situation.  

  9. being creative stops depression instantly....for example if you are writing a poem, u are being creative instead of being depressed  

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