
How do I handle my 8 yr. old son's problem with pooping, and peeing, and having to wear pull-ups all day?

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My son has a condition called enuresis, and encupeurisis. He is eight years old now, and he's had this problem since he was in kindergarten. I have tried to seek the advice of pediatricians, and specialists. Apparently, they never found a solution, so they said that he should get neurological testing, but not sure if that's what would help. I have been taking him to phsycologists,. to phsycologists, but still no answers on how to repair the problem. If someone has a child with the same problem please give me some insight on how to help him resolve the issue?




  1. I have the same issues and I am 40 years old.  I have ruined so many pairs of underwear.

  2. Was your son completely potty trained before entering Kindergarten?  Does he have the enuresis during the day or only at night?  Does this occur all the time or only occasionally?  During the school year only, or all summer as well?  Boys sometimes get very nervous about going to the bathroom in public, especially when they have to have a bowel movement.  Therefore, they will hold it until they no longer can and have accidents.  Many times the stress of starting the school year or an upcoming test can trigger this.  Have you had an abdominal x-ray done to see if there are any intestinal blockages or narrow areas?  Have you tried changing his diet?  Adding more fiber?  Just some other things to think about.  I would probably think about seeing a different doctor or contacting your local Children's Hospital for a referral.

  3. I have had experience of this problem, unfortunately, and it has turned out in those cases, that the child has at some point been sexually assaulted.  I sincerely hope that this is not the case with your son.  The only other possibility is that he has a neurological problem - where the message is not reaching his brain.  Please God this is the reason, but be aware of many previous case histories not being so innocent.  Sorry.

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