
How do I handle people that bring their own food or drink into my restaurant to consume at my tables?

by  |  earlier

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I own a Bar and Grill out in the country, with tables both inside and out. I have a problem with tourists carrying ice chests filled with beer, sodas, food etc. stopping to use my facilitys and using my tables to "picnic" at. I don't wish to be rude but we are a business that sells food and drink and these people are disrespecting us and our customers that have purchased their beer and food . I would love to find a humorous way to let these folks know they've either got to buy our stuff or they have to leave. Usually they have kids with them so it needs to be clean. These are folks who would never go onto a Chili's or an Applebees with their own beer or food, but for some reason they think its okay here. I currently have a sign posted that says "If you didn't buy it here, Don't eat or drink it here." but they ignore it. That of course makes me angry and it goes south from there. So what can I say in a funny way that will get the point across and leave me in a good mood? Help




  1. Is it possible for you to enclose your outdoor seating area (with planters or something else sturdy)  and have only one entrance/exit  which you staff with someone who seats your guests?  If your area is wide open, then clueless, selfish people might invite themselves to use your restaurant as a picnic area.  If they have to be seated, then they will know that they can't walk in with their coolers.  I have never heard or seen such a thing!

  2. "Thanks for choosing my seating....i notice that your not drinking or eating (point to your establishment) Please be so kind to just keep in mind that i also have a family that needs feeding............... quirky poems alwasy do the trick Good luck

  3. I would designate three or so tables off to the side of where your paying customers sit.  The "public picnic tables" should be closer to the parking lot/parking area and maybe surrounding a tree or something.  Make it look like it's meant to be there for those who wish to bring their own food.  Make it have its own trashcan and whatnot.  Label it however you see fit, but make it obvious.  If its the first thing people come to with their picnic baskets it is where they will stop.  I think this has a couple of benefits.  Your customers are not seeing you getting potentially rude with other individuals, and it provides a place for people to eat with their families where there sounds like there might not have otherwise been.  Also if someone comes up to your restaurant wanting to camp out at one of your tables you can easily point them in the right direction:)

    Make sure your restaurant tables look obvious restaurant.  We're talking silverware, menus, salt, pepper, etc.  That makes it easier for people to tell the difference.  

    Hope this helps!

  4. If you don't feel comfortable approaching people yourself, try hiring someone to do that for you.  It's not approprate to do what they do.  If they wanted take out, then they should take the food they bought to their homes and eat it there or somewhere else where it isn't a food business establisment-like the park or something.

  5. Not much left to say, service charg them then hire someone to do most of the dirty work for you.  Also, if you do not like that, just put up a sign saying no outside food or drinks.

  6. I would post a sign letting people know that they cannot bring in their own food or drinks

  7. Here are two ideas:  

    1)  Present these people with a service charge bill for using your tables.  

    2)  Section off the area and post a sign saying:  "NO PICNICKING ALLOWED - BUY HERE OR LEAVE HERE."

  8. Don't be subtle; be simple, straightforward and polite.  I would simply have "No Picnicking" signs in obvious places, and ask them to either order or move to a picnic area.  You'll undoubtedly get sass, because most people are idiots, but unfortunately that's part of the territory.  Think of it as good practice for dealing with teenagers, if that helps.  It's character-building, as my Dad always said to me as he sent me off on some difficult, painful or revolting job that he didn't want to do..

  9. Enclose your facilities somehow, and post with a sign that clearly states "paying customers only", You're going to have to speak up if it continues.. This is your business, get a back bone and let these folks know your serious, being "rude" should be the least of your worries- Good Luck

  10. I usually put a sign saying " __place name 's CUSTOMER ONLY" and if you want, write that in different languages incase they are tourist who doesnt read english.

    If they ignore it then you can simple just smile, walk out there and greet them saying "HI HOW ARE YOU :D! *mega big frendly smile", Can I help you with anything today, drink or food .

    They'll get the point that it's your place and if they say no, then just say in a friendly way "sorry but this is only reserve for the bar n gril customer.

    I know how annoyng it is, we had huge stickers and menu saying 'Customer only' and people still sit there eating OTHER PEOPLE'S RESTAURANT I usually just send a staff out there and pour them a glass of water and ask them if they want to order stuff then they leave hahahah...

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