
How do I handle racist comments at work?

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I and work at a car dealership with a bunch of racists. They always make comments about African-Americans and whenever an African-American is on the lot, they argue over who gets forced to go out and assist them. But whenever a Caucasion person is on the lot, they bend over backward to help them.

I'm at my wits end with such rude, vulgar comments. I've told my co-worker that they're offensive and to remember that everyone's dollar spends the same way, but the comments continue.

I work in a very tight-knit environment and I am only a part time worker averaging 20 hours for the entire month. I doubt HR cares about it because they all have the attitude that this is accepted practice at all car lots.

What should I do? Walk out? Quit?




  1. You do not need to be the target of these terrible comments, but if you are in earshot and affected by it, the company is REQUIRED to do something about it! Stick a recorder in your pocket to catch some of what is said, or if it's via email keep the messages. THEN go to HR about it. If they give you the runaround, go above them (whoever's brand the dealer represents) and tell them you have recorded/written proof of racist comments being made in the workplace. I'm sure they will not want their brand represented by such an ugly bunch.

  2. I agree with whomever said make a formal complaint above HR if that is possible. Other than that I really don't know what else you could do other than remind them that money is green not black or white!

  3. If HR isn't going to do anything about it, go above them and make a formal complaint. Chances are it isn't going to change, but at least you did your part. I would find a different environment to work in....that is very negative and toxic and obviously affects you.

    ......Then I would post fliers up for that place as a "whites only" establishment in an all black neighborhood and see how many african americans show up to be 'helped'.

  4. I work in a car dealership where most of our customers are Black and most of our sales people are black I have been doing this for a long time and I can tell you that you don,t know the half of it  black people are getting a raw deal at car dealerships but believe it or not most black people would rather have a white person wait on them how do I know this because I have had many of them say it. Any one who is in retail sales knows I,m telling the truth. If I were you I would not say a word don,t lose your job over someone who does not care about you. I have lost my job because of a black person and I am black let them get what they ask for

  5. I'd report them somehow . . .they probably don't have any minorities employed there . . .isn't there a law where they have to hire them . . diversified employment or something ? ? ?

  6. Alternatively, if you need the job, be the one who always volunteers to go assist any African Americans who come onto the lot. It won't make the racists change, but at least you will be sure the customers don't get mistreated. You might pick up some extra commissions that way, and some of the racists might even get the point.

  7. If you don't need the money I'd say quit.

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