
How do I handle this car accident??

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Last night I got into my first car accident and am a little confused about what to do now to deal with this situation. I was on my way to a graduation party in my new car which was my graduation present. I was following my friends when they crossed a busy four lane section. I was nervous that I would lose them and get lost. Though their was no stop or yeild sign, I paused and let a car pass then made my way across the two lanes. Before I new it another car hit the side of my car and sent me spining. Though no one is hurt, both cars are probably totaled. The police wrote me a ticket for failure to yeild but I believe that I did yeild and I simply just did not see this car coming. I have recieved a speeding ticket in the past for wreckless driving and have points on my liscence already. If I get more points will my liscense be suspended? I'm 18, can they send me to jail? What do I need to tell the judge in court? Im very lost and would appriciate some help!




  1. did you exchange insurance information at the scene of the accident ? please do me a huge favor be more careful while u are driving  the next time you could get hurt or killed so please be careful for ur sake and every body else driving ok  if u pay the ticket u won't have to go in front of a judge at least in Texas Don't want you hurt either

  2. well tell the judge ur side of the story. and you probably might go to jail for any more speeding tickets if they r not paid. ur licesence can get suspended. so any how that is all i know do i dont care about ur dumb life. i just more point!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tell the judge the failed to yield to oncoming traffic and dont lie about it..........

  4. You failed to yield. The proof? You got hit.

    This was your fault, 100%.

    You are VERY lucky no one got hurt. If someone died you'd be charged (at least) with manslaughter.

    Tell the judge the truth.

    You have already been cited for reckless driving, which is a very serious offense, second only to drunk driving.

    If you are so shaken by this accident (hint) that you decide to voluntarily turn in your license until you can take an AAA sanctioned (or similar) driving course the judge may, impressed by your resolve, show leniency. He may drop the charge, or lower it to another not as serious. It would also be a very good way to make 'points' with the adults in your life.

  5. What state are you in?

  6. Hello,,go back to the scene and take a picture of the crossing,,show proof of the missing signs,,it sounds like you made the wrong decision to pursue your friends. You will have some trouble with this one,,hope the other driver is ok,,could sue you for medical conditions,now and in the future.

  7. Question for you..........did the other vehicle hit you to the rear of the mid point of your vehicle?...........if so, you were in the intersection before the other driver.......and this might just carry some weight in a court of law....take pictures of your vehicle's damages with you if this is the case.

    Another question for you.......was the other vehicle coming from the right?.......if so, you should always yield to the driver on the right at any uncontrolled intersection.

    I hope you learn from all of injuries, so a cheap lesson regardless of who was at fault.

    I agree with those who say "just be honest and tell the truth".

    You might also want to consult a lawyer on a few points which you have mentioned to get some professional opinion and advice. Also,  having a lawyer represent you may look more professional. They know how to "talk" in courtrooms.

    Live and learn....

  8. For traffic violations, you'll typically just lose your license when you run out of points.  If you wind up going to court, tell the judge you DID yield, because only if the officer was present and witnessed the accident, he can only testify to 'hear say' from other witnesses.

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