
How do I handle this insurance problem?

by  |  earlier

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I had to go to the doctor for some blood tests because I found out that I have issues with my thyroid. I didn't have insurance with the company I worked for and wasn't making much money either. I was eligible for the sliding fee program. It was basically like insurance at that doctors office. Any blood tests were covered within the limit I think it was like 3 a month. I only had 2 in one month. But the doctors office had issues with their computer system and the company LabCorp of America wasn't paid for the lab results of my blood. The sliding fee should have covered. I have 3 bills because of this issue that have now been sent to a collection agency. I've done everything I know to do, call doctors office, call lab corp and call collection agency. LabCorp says I need to handle it with the doc office, the doc office says I need to handle it with LabCorp, and collection agency says I just need to pay it. Does anyone know what my next step should be?




  1. get all your documentation together - write a letter about the whole thing and send each party a letter certified mail.

    sounds like you should pay the one that isn't eligible though.

    don't get stressed over this - i worked for an insurance company and had problems getting claims paid - just document EVERYTHING and don't pay anything you are not required to

  2. you need not to stress too much ,you just collect your all document mail to concern person it will be solved ,there is no need to full amount

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