
How do I handle this stressful situation??

by  |  earlier

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I get paid $670 every 2 weeks.. well paid a bill today that was $294, and took out $60 for gas and good, now I have roughly $301 for this weekend, for next week, and for a CRUISE on August 18th to the 22nd.. at least a $100 in week for gas to get to work next week, at least $150 for the cruise, and like $50 for this weekend.. Im stressed, how do I make this work??




  1. You have to search alternate option to earn money. If you are very tensed and need cash loan then you can contact the lenders. They will solve the problem. Ya it is costly but solve the billing problem. You can try following websites for the cash advance loan :

  2. Sell stuff on ebay?

  3. spend the dollar on seeds for a veggie patch  

  4. Try not eating or bathing yourself.

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