
How do I have my 19 year old daughter declared Mentally Incompetent?

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She has many psyciatric disorders including by not limited to ODD, Bi Polar, Anxiety DIscorder and possible borderline personality and antisocial disorders. She is an introvenous drug user and has been in over 8 rehabs all ending in her getting kicked out because of her disorders and can not complete them vollenteraly. I need to find out the steps for NJ on how to get her declaired mentally unstable so we can put her into a rehab that is ordered by the court that she can not leave or get kicked out of. Does anyone know how to start this.??? Help... all her friends have been ODing around her and I am afraid she is next.




  1. Contact your local hospital or the emergency side to help your daughter. They'll take it from there. Explain them fully the way you explained here and they'll definitely help you.

    Hope things work out for your daughter.

  2. You can go through the courts, her doctor, or the emergency room to have her placed on a 72 hour emergency hold for observation, for which she obviously does not have to give her consent.  From there the doctors can decide whether to involuntarily commit her for further treatment.

  3. get in contact with her crisis team and you can discuss the options. they will know all the right things to do and where to go! this must be done today!!!!!!! (if you dont know her crisis team go to the hospital who will put you incontact with the local one)

    you are doing the right thing, i have all the above you have listed but im not a illegal drug user now. so there is hope, i feel for you as i now regret deeply what i have put my parents through, hopefully she will be the same one day, just dont give up on her!

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