
How do I have the e-mails for my group posted on my group site where I can see them as they're being sent.

by  |  earlier

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I want people that join my group,and myself to be able to chat. I as the moderater, might not be able to respond to my e-mails right away. So I want the group to be able to chat to each other. So how do I make a chat page. Also, I think I posted this as a group to join, but I want to make it public, how do I undo that.




  1. for chats, you'd have to find an off list site. we use

    you'd add the linkto what ever chat you decide to use some where on your group or a calendar reminder maybe however keep in mind open membership could cause such a chat and over all group issues with spammers and such.

    to make a group not require membership approval-

    management- under group settings click memberships- Membership Type and Welcome Message (Edit) <--click the edit- select public- click save changes

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