
How do I heal my broken blister?

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I have a massive blister on my heal and I need it healed enough to put my skates (roller derby) on by Saturday!! I got it last Tuesday, it opened on Thursday and it hurts bad. It's not infected because I've been applying neosporin up until 2 days ago then I heard that's not good to do that and I need to leave it open to the air. Since then I've been soaking in epsom solution twice a day and leaving it open to the air. Is there anything else I can do? I have an event on Saturday and need my foot back.




  1. Try table salt and warm water (heaps of salt) and leave it open to the air.On the day of your roller derby pad the area with either Dr.Scholl's blister bandage or go to the chemist and ask if they stock Band-aids for blisters.Goodluck and don't try to remove the skin of the popped blister.

  2. Continue with the Epsom salt soaks. In addition, apply neosporin and bandage it. While it's true that wound do need to "breathe" and be exposed to the air, it's also true that they need to be protected. Not to mention that the neosporin will help it heal faster. During the day when you'll be walking around, wearing shoes, etc. then keep it covered. At night you can uncover it.

    For your event, make sure it's covered. I've heard good things about moleskin ( so you might want to try that, you can find it at your local pharmacy. Good luck in the derby.

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