
How do I help a friend of mine lose her marajuana addiction?

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I have a friend and she lives in a home full of potheads. She's trying to quit, but her way means stopping drug use altogether, which is really dangerous considering how long its been in her system. Please tell me what I should do!




  1. In my opinion you will be straining yourself if you are there 24/7. My best advice would be for your friend is to seek professional assistance and for you to be there as she is getting help.

    Sorry for what your friend is going through and you too.

  2. You can't get addicet to marijuana

    unless its laced with an addictive drug

    marijuana is a soft drug jus like ecstasy & shrooms


    shes just in the wrong environment

  3. wow,pots not addictive and definitly not dangerous to stop using.

  4. u can try to budget her marijuana use and like deacrease her use every week... up to the point wer she could live without ever using it... just make sure she doesnt quit altogether... also, put her in some rehab and get her counselling... that should help speed it up...

  5. so many dipwads in denial, if weed isn't addictive-then your friend should be able to just stop (no side effects, no urges to use again).

    seriously, in  her situation-she needs to get out of the polluted home and stay away. then she needs to deal with whatever spiritual and mental damage using the non addictive gangster grass has done to her. she needs earnest support from understanding souls & she won't get that from anyone who is still using. she may want to look into 12 step meetings like narcotics anonymous (

  6. Apparently you are not well informed about pot and its use.

    1st it is not addictive but habit-forming.

    2nd.  She can stop cold with out any problems.

    3rd. She must decide to do it her self; you cannot make her do it.

    4th. She will not be able to quit if she stays in that environment.

    The 2nd hand smoke and the peer pressure will be too much to withstand.

    Perhaps if she shacked up with you for a while she would have time to clear her head and get the toxins out of her system and see what the real world has been doing while she has been tuned out.

  7. well marijuana isn't an addictive drug so sad to tell you that all of her saying that she cant stop, its only mental weakness. tell her that and help her find alternatives. like when she wants to smoke, tell her that she can call you and talk about it.

  8. Well you got to get her out of that place and into a safe place!Then she can quit on  her own if not then you have to put her in detox and into a rehab center here! This stuff stays in your body too long its about 30 days or more! And depends how much she smokes! if too much then years!

  9. For starters, dont let her smoke around you.  you can also seek professional help.  they will know the best ways to help your friend.

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