
How do I help my best friend get over her old crush and really good friend?

by  |  earlier

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He hates my friend now, and it's been this way for about a year or more, long before I became her friend, and she really liked him and still misses him, especially now because her birthday just passed and she was sad that he never even said Happy Birthday to her, it was her 16th, and now her new favorite song reminds her of him. Any way I can help her to get over him? I hate seeing her sad like this.




  1. idk if this will work but u could try getting her mind off of it by getting her to go out with someone else

  2. get her another guy to get her mind off of it sorry thats all i got

  3. There isn't really much that you can do for her except be there for her. Right now she's feeling a kind of pain that will only heal with time.

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