
How do I help my bird when its leg is broken?

by Guest64691  |  earlier

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I need help!!!!!!




  1. Take it to the vet immediately.

    When taking it to the vet, very gently wrap it in a blanket so it won't hurt itself and cover it's eyes so that it remains in a dark area. Take it to the vet immediately, they may be able to repair your birds leg.

    If you aren't planning on taking it to the vet, there is nothing you can do and you are being cruel to the animal.

    What kind of bird is it?

  2. As everyone says take it to a vet and warp the bird in a blanket and the vet will tell you how to look after it when the bird leg is healing

  3. Take it to a vet.

  4. take it to the vet asap

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