
How do I help my friend who has severe depression?

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My friend was diagnosed with having major depression recently. Is there anything I can do to help her or make her feel better?




  1. Just hang around them. Don't try anything new like hanging out more or saying encouraging things. As someone who has had clinical depression, the best cure is to be a normal friend. Treating people like they're special just because of a diagnosis just makes them feel worse.

  2. prozac

  3. let him or her know that you care, that your there for the person.

    try to keep his or her mind off of whatever it is that they are upset about.

  4. Spend some more time with her. You would be shocked at how much just being with someone can cheer them up.

  5. Take her to something exciting spend time with her or even take her on a holiday. Be funny cheer her up and keep pointing out things that may mean something to her eg. Have you lost weight. As all girls are worried about these days!!

  6. ive studied depression its really serious just help her out and tell her to go see a doctor and they will help her if you dont this will get even worse she could get angry and just take my advice Take her to the doctor!!

  7. Encourage her to seek and stay in therapy.  She may need some meds to get her to a point where she can deal with therapy.  Make sure she gets her meds from a psychiatrist, not just her family doc (they don't know what they're doing).  But the therapy will make the most difference.

    Recognize that you can't make it better - only she can do that.  You're there for support but you can't fix it.  

  8. First, get your friend out the house, in the sun, have some fun. Find out their course of medication regiment to help them maintain it and for accountability.

    Next, introduce them to Christ who is the answer for all infirmities and that is what Depression is. With Christ in their life, they only need to lift their head and praise Him because it is absolutely a mystery but it absolutely works... WHEN THE PRAISES GO UP THE BLESSINGS COME DOWN... OFFER UP A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE AND THEY CAN SWITCH THEIR GARMENT OF HEAVINESS FOR THE GARMENT OF PRAISE.

    Depression is a device of the devil and no child of the most high God has ot be plagued with any diseases or infirmities... and that's the TRUTH.

  9. Here's proven natural remedies and help her for beginning to do so.

    Ten ways to successfully get rid of depression.

    1}Important defense mechanism has spinach, , beetroot lettuce with much lemon juice and olive oil.POWER BENEFIT: In depression your blood has tendency to be acidic. You need to try neutralize this situation What I said above has high nutritional value and alkalizing quality.

    2} Blueberries. Fresh or frozen, not to mention it tastes absolutely delicious, two servings daily for two weeks. POWER BENEFIT: struggle against feeling of guilt and loss of interest in ordinary activities.

    3} Carbohydrates, and vitamin B-complex supplement. Depression is a cruel killer that shape cyclic human hormonal reality into delicious desert. The more tryptophan enters your brain, the more serotonin will be produced to kill that killer. Get rich tryptophan eating banana, apple and kiwi. POWER BENEFIT : combat thoughts of suicide and irritability.

    4} Get Omega 3. This makes sense physiologically since omega 3 works on neurotransmitter pathways in the brain. Also, omega 3 keeps the blood wessels of the brain free from blockages It also helps in boosting up the nerve cells to function at a higher level. Because omega 3 is found in Oceanus fish and eggs and if you want only fruits and vegetables then take omega 3 supplement.

    5} Daily walking in the sun. It produces a brain chemical called dopamine which help maintain mental equilibrium But before you leave your home eat milk, yogurt or salmon,tomatoes,cucumber and /or broccoli.

    6} Out, find a place where you can express your emotions aloud . For example cry if you feel inside like crying. This is an act of courage and in the same time, shows your progress. Immediately after this, it can't be less than a big happy moments.

    7}Selenium,vitamin B 12, for the" feel-good " brain receptors. The take away from it is that you need eat brown rice,nuts,seeds and liver.

    8} Drink a lots of mineral water with pH above from 7.4

    9} Breakfast cereals .Don't forget it.

    10} Breathing exercises on daily basis,the most powerful line to cure depression because a high need of brain for oxygen.

    I hope I helped you a bit.

  10. when i was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety i had no one to tell, i had no friends i could trust and i was afraid to tell anyone i had depression cause i felt everyone would think i was a freak  and totally hate me or try to hurt me even more as it usually does happen, she is very lucky she has you, Just tell her nothing will change your friendship and that you care for her, keep in touch with her as much as possible, she may slowly come around

  11. Always listen and support her. Make her strong enough to face the world and let her believe that there is no bed of roses in this mundane world. Meaning that she must do something to move forward and not just by thinking of the past. Remind her that "TIME IS GOLD!"

  12. Yes, there is in fact, think of interesting and exciting things to do.  Problem with depressed people is they don't want to do anything because of lack of energy.  But you can help try being enthusiastic, coming up with a great idea of something (safe) fun to do and you guys can do it together. also often time depression is cause from a lack of vitamin d which can be found in vitamins. Vitamin d also comes from the sun, when people sit inside all day their deficiencies become worse.  

  13. Just be there for her.  Know that she will have bad days.  Let her know that she is there to talk if she needs it.  She may not want anyone else to know about it.  If she tells you she is on medication, ask her how she has been feeling with medication after a month or so.  It's a hard thing to deal with.

  14. she needs a man that wont leave her

  15. be there for her, dont pry things out of her, and just listen

    depression sucks, and it helps alott wen u have a friend to be able to talk to

    good luck<3

  16. take her to Disney land  

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