
How do I help my son to fit in with the same kids that he has known for years but have always treated him bad?

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He is in 9th grade and the kids seem to be more clickish then ever now and he just does not fit into any click. He has ADHD and gets mad quickly. So he is an easy target to get into trouble to be entertainment for jerks.




  1. AM I wrong to think that possibly your child should not be in with the crowd that treats him badly?  I was a child that was not the most popular either growing up, but you know something as I look back, that crowd would have wound up being the wrong crowd to hang with.  There has to be some people in  his school that he can be friends with, instead of trying to make him "fit" in.  If they are treating him badly to the point of injury, you need to go to the school and report them.

  2. Why would you want him to be friends with people like that. No matter what you do he's always gonna be the one to get made fun of since it's gone on all this time.

  3. im going into 11th grade so i know where your coming from with this. and i know what your dealing with because i see it all the time with kids. high school is a big place with alot of diffrent people. a good way for your son to make friends is by going into a sport or going into classes that interest him because the people who go into those classes will have similar interest like him.

    alot of kids these days like to be nice and help out. if your kid entered a class like wood tech. he can ask people to help him out with projects and get to know people because its very social. you can make alot of friends through classes of interest.

  4. first I would remind him that even if he has known them for a long time, that doesn't mean that they are his friends. i would also tell him to get involved in after-school activities and stuff. that way he would find good friends that like him instead of jerks that are just trying to take advantage of him which really is an awful thing to do. It may seem like he can't fit in anywhere, but trust me, soon I am sure he will find some friends that like him for who he is and not the sick "entertainment" he brings. good luck you sound like a great mom!

  5. Well if they treat him bad, the they are not really his friends. Tell him that. At first he will be sad because he has no friends. But encourage him to make fiends who treat him better.

  6. Why would you want him to be in with jerks? I say, sign him up in some extra curricular activities like football or soccer or theater production or something at the local community center. this way he can work as a team with people and build friendships and learn to communicate.

  7. i would encourage him to play sports or pick up a new hobby where he can interact with kids outside of school. i got picked on a lot at school, but outside of school i had lots of friends. i hate to say it but kids are CRUEL when they're all in an environment where they know one another and feel free to say whatever they want. since you can't change the little douchebags, help his self-esteem by showing him that kids outside of school understand how cool he is.

  8. Why would you want him to fit in with kids like that?  Aren't there better people around for him to befriend?  And, even if there aren't, I still don't know why you'd want him to be friends with kids who are jerks to other people.  

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