
How do I help teach my 5 yr old to defend herself without hitting?

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How do I teach my 5 year old (who is in Kindergarten) to defend herself without hitting or being physical? I got a call from her teacher today that she hit two kids, they wern't hurt but hitting ins't allowed at school - nor at home. She said the kids were bugging do I help her??

We don't hit at home, she has never done this before, this is very unlike her. She is usually the bright, sunshinny, easy going happy go lucky girl that everyone loves. I am still in shock that this happened and don't want it to get any worse but just don't know what to do.

Thank you.




  1. susan said what I was going to say sorry but this is only the beginning of public school problems we have to deal with weather we like it or not.tell her to turn around and do and say something nice every time these kids bother her and then just walk away like somebody calls her a name have her say I like your shirt and walk away

  2. Tell her to alert her teacher the next time someone bothers her.  It may not be "cool" to snitch on your classmate in an older grade but in K years, it's perfectly fine for them to realize that adults are there to help them.

  3. Suggest she sorts out any problems with words - if that doesn't help - tell  a teacher!

  4. It's probably something she is seeing happen outside of school and repeating it in her own behavior. You needto explain to her that she needs to use her words and she needs to ignor with tolerance for other children.

  5. The problem is that other parents let there kids do it,so she needs to protect herself.THE teacher

    does not have control of the class if she lets other

    kids hit to.ask her to tell the teacher that kids are pestering her,and that she said that she can't hit them because  you said no.THEN the other kids will pester more.if they hit her,she need to hit back.she can't let kids hit her,if the teacher won't

    straighten it out.(this a matter between you and

    your daughter,and teacher)

  6. This is what happens in public school.  You send your lovely child into an environment with kid's whose parents have very different ideas of what is acceptable behavior.  Some children are extremely mean at five.  My daughters had terrible experiences in the first few years of school. In retrospect, I wish I had home-schooled them or found a good private school.

    Your daughter has hit several other students.  She is probably already thought of as a behavior problem, even though the problem was that she was provoked into the behavior and no one was watching to stop the problem before it escalated into that level.

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