
How do I hide My p**n from My Hubby?

by Guest58482  |  earlier

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How do I hide My p**n from My Hubby?




  1. Your husband must be like mine.  Regular adult things one has to hide or they flip.  Hide it somewhere you know he never looks.  Dishwasher drier washing machine behind furniture....

  2. Everyone telling you to share, if there's something in the movies he doesn't like the thought of HER liking, she has to hide it folks! Closet, bottom of some kind of girlie looking stuff he would never touch.

  3. hide it somewhere he doesn't look or go in i hide mine in my linen closet : )

  4. dont! maybe he"ll like it. but if you know he wont or you really dont want him to see it that bad, just put it somewhere he never goes or you know he"ll never look

  5. Isn't secret p**n more exciting than the p**n that everyone knows that you have?  ;-)  

    All I can think of is an elaborate scheme using your bookmarks in your web browser.  Put all the links in one folder and call it "Martha Stewart Projects" and then rename all the bookmarks themselves to something innocuous.  Haha, that might not work but it's all I can think of.  ;-)

  6. You can hide it at my house. When you feel like watching it you can come here and enjoy it without any hassle.

  7. Don't hide it share it with him.

  8. first is it a magazine, videos..... if that I am sure u can find good places....if its web just have to learn them in your brain...and delite your browser history often

  9. What is wrong with you you should never hide anything when your married. You might be surprised men love p**n so why hide it.  

  10. Why would you hide it? Are you ashamed?  

  11. Just try to share it with him unless It's (g@y) or something of that nature; And may cause problems for you...  

  12. Come bring it over here. I have a special hiding spot for you ;)

  13. why do you want to hide if from him? unless you're performing in the p**n.

  14. Why do you need to hide it from him?  He's your husband and you shouldn't have to hide anything from him.

  15. He's your don't hide anything from him.  

  16. why would you hide that in the first place. Ask your husband if he wants to share  watch it with you read it with you. h**l every married man's fantasy is to be able to watch or read or look at p**n with their wives

  17. If you feel you need to hide it, either zip it or encrypt it in a folder.  If you wish to encrypt it there are open source encryption tools. True crypt will alow you to encrypt a share with a passscode.

    But I recommend you come clean.  I wouldn't mind my old lady getting into watching p**n, as long as got to do it with her.

  18. Why hide it? He would probably be so turned on.

  19. You don't hide your p**n from your spouse, you share it.

  20. why would you want to hide it. i am sure yoru husband is happy you are not an insecure prude

  21. Ravin never hide share the love.

  22. I'm sure he would love it if you shared it with him.

  23. Why are you trying to hide you're p**n? Does you're hubby have a problem with it? maybe you should conceder how you would feel if he hide something from you that you didn't want him doing! You're hubby may feel a little insulted he may feel like he isn't pleasing you>  

  24. You are one of the few females that likes p**n, and unless your husband is a over the board religious guy, he likes it too. Share this together, and go buy some together and watch it. When i found out my girl liked it, it really opened our s*x life and helped the whole relationship.

  25. Maybe instead of asking us the q's, you should be asking yourself why you feel the need to hide ANYthing from your "hubby". Marriage is for sharing, good and bad. Understanding each other. If one feels the need to hide anything, then there are more serious problems under the surface.

  26. why do you have to hide it? my husband and i share our p**n.

  27. don't hide it!  maybe he'll want to watch!    could be fun together~!

  28. That depends on what you want in your marriage.  Secrets in marriage aren't healthy, and there is obviously a reason you feel the need to keep this from your husband.  Do you trust him?  If so, go to him and tell him what you've been doing.  Regardless of what is popular right now, pornography is a form of adultery, as if you've invited someone else into your love-life.  I would imagine that you are fantasizing about what you've been viewing and perhaps masturbating too.  These are all things that reveal that you have unmet needs in your marriage, and I encourage you to talk with your husband about those needs and see how HE can meet them.  Ask yourself if you feel better or worse after viewing the p**n, and that should tell you which way to go.    

  29. Send it to me.  I'll hide it for you.

  30. Why do you want to hide it?  Most men would love a woman who gets turned on by p**n.  Is it really kinky or something distasteful that he doesn't like?  Are you lying to him about other things you think about?  You only should hide p**n from your parents, children and the religious neighbors down the street!  Oh, I understand, your husband is a minister and you are an x-pole dancer.

  31. Here is the deal.  You should NEVER hide anything from your husband.  Once he finds it (and he will eventually) he will wonder what else you are hiding and your relationship will get real shaky and then fail.  A husband and wife should be involved in every aspect of their lives because they are supposed to be "One".  Not two separate people with different lives.  Deception is the key to a failed marriage.  Ask yourself this question.  Which is more important, my p**n or my husband and our marriage?  If you are deeply in-love with him, that is a no brain-er.  You should already know the answer to that question.

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