
How do I hide a motorcycle from my mother?

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I'm 19 years old and I live at my mom's house. I want to get a sport bike, but my mom wont let me buy one while I live at her house because she doesn't want to be worried all the time. If I could, I would move out and then get one, but I can't afford a place of my own with my crappy part-time job. I've tried everything to convince her such as:

"I'll take the MSF course AND pass "the circle" at the DMV"

"I'll wear full gear every time I go out"

"I wont ride in rain or dark"

"I'll give you a million dollars"/sarcasm

How can I have a motorcycle without her knowing about it?




  1. Don't be silly - You can't hide a sports bike !

    And anyway - Mum's know everything - it's our job !!

    Just go and do the courses and pass - then tell her

    you don't want to go against her wishes but this is

    something you need to do -

    Give her some time to get used to the idea that

    your getting one anyway (say next year) and by

    then, she may be more accepting -

    what's the worst she can do - she's hardly likely

    to kick you out - x*x -

  2. You want to live in Moms house but you don't want to  live by Moms rules. Prove yourself to be untrustworthy. Buy the bike and see if you really get to be homeless.  

  3. move out.

    thats what i did.

  4. Yes agree, Keep it at a trustworthy neighbors house.

    thanks -

  5. Your mother is out of order.You are 19 and you can do what you want. dont be a coward,express your interests.

  6. I had the good fortune of knowing a motorcycle rider who was willing to teach me how to ride and we practiced at the parking lot at Dodger Stadium on a newly purchased Honda 360 cc. motorcycle .  And when the lesson was finished, we would drive the bike back to his house.  Where he stored it for me until I was fully licensed to drive it back to my mother to show her that I was real serious about learning how to ride and acquire the necessary training and license.  Her reaction:  was full acceptance of my bike riding and I even got a kiss out of her.

    Good luck!

  7. ugh, i know how you feel dude. biatches be crazy. i want to get a motorcycle too :/ maybe you could ask some of your friends if they can keep it at their house?  

  8. Keep it at a trustworthy neighbors house. Although it's not very nice to deceive your mother.

  9. You can't.

    You need to get your priorities straight.

    Gotta live on your own to be able to make your own decisions.

    Can't afford a crappy rental room in a boarding house?

    What makes you think you can afford a bike, gear, maintenance, and insurance?

  10. by a hotwheel! they fit in your pocket...

    do u have ur license for it yet?

    and if u do... then wait till u move out, like seriously. u live with mom still


  11. okay i say to ask any friends with a garrage to hold it for you.

    then at the right time for you or your mom go take her out to eat and tell her everything.

  12. do you have a garage full of old stuff? hide it behind something big. if not buy a cover for your bike and keep it behind a bush.

  13. You can fool some of the people some of the time.....but you can't fool Mom.

  14. I'll be honest, but if you live at home you will not be able to hide it.

    I haven't told my mother about my bike as she would go mad (she threatened if I ever got a bike she would slash the tires). I live about 70 miles from her though so I don't have much of a problem.

    However, I get post from the local Driving vehicle authority saying my tax is about to expire and stuff like that and she has commented on them. I got them delivered there as I moved around a bit and it is a permanent address.

    If you live at home, she will start questioning all the mail you received about your bike for sure and it will not take her long to realise. Not only that, it will cost quite a bit of money and she may start wondering where it is going.

    Sorry for being so negative, but while you are at home, I'm afraid there is no way of keeping it from her. Even if you could hide the bike, intercept the mail, etc you can be sure that she would find out. All it takes is one person to say something and she would know.

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