
How do I hide the dark circles under my eyes?

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I've always had theses stupid dark circles under my eyes my whole life. It doesn't matter water I drink or how much sleep I get, they're always there. A friend of mine put some make-up on me, and that helped cover it, but still. I want to know how to do it myself, and be able to cover it well.

Here's a picture she took of my eye after she applied the make up.

Bonus question: I have dry, flaky skin to do a skin condition. Any tips of how to fix that, be it with make-up or creams or whatever? Thanks.




  1. Most of it is genetic. I have them to. Just get lots of sleep, and try not be stressed to much. I also have heard that when you cry a lot under eye circles appear darker. Not sure if it's true tho. Also drink plenty of water. Getting a bit of color in your face as well as putting cold spoons under eyes may help. Get ShiSeido Benefiance Revitalizing Cream. I got mine from Macy's and just a tiny dab of it does wonders on dark circles.

    vitamin E oil,olive oil,cucumbers, & a doctor can also help. I have pretty bad ones so this is all from experience.

    Hope this helps. :)

  2. Use an eye brightening eye cream.

    Follow that with concealer.  You need something thick and heavy duty.  I like benefit boing.  It's pricey but it works!

  3. Try an eye cream with Vitamin K in it. It's supposed to help with dark circles.

  4. get moisturizing face wash so it'll take care of ur cleaning and moisturize it, clean and clear or olay is great

    potatoes, yes that's right, cut open the potatoe in half then in two slices (one from each side) and lay it there for like 5-10 mins its like the cucumber on the eye thing, only for circles, it helped w/ me, good luck!

    if that doesnt work, use something else (like lip gloss) to draw attention away from the dark circles,  

  5. i have this lotion called suntanicals.. and you apply it directly under your eye.. it works for me :]


  6. I also have pale skin and this works wonders. You can purchase it here...

  7. Blush that matches your skin color

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