
How do I hit the golf ball higher?

by  |  earlier

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I have a problem hitting the golf ball high, with almost all clubs. I am an 8 handicap, and play Ping i10 irons, custom fit to my specs. I play an Adams Insight BTY 10.5 degree driver with a stiff Prolaunch Red shaft. My driver launch angle is 11 degrees (roughly) and I want to get it up to about 14 or 15 at least. (ball speed is 155)With my irons (long irons especially) I also have trouble launching the ball high, which makes it hard to stop on greens and have better distance control. I have a short backswing, an aggresive and somewhat steep downswing. I'm not very flexible so a longer golf swing is tough. Any suggestions? References to website tutorials would be much appreciated.




  1. Get a lesson from a pro, better he tell you than some guys on yahoo answers

  2. Judging from your account of your golf swing I sense that your ball flight is low is mainly due to your a) short backswing, and b) steep downswing. At impact your clubface actually becomes somewhat 'closed', thereby de-lofting your clubface.

    To get a higher trajectory, try to 'flatten' your swing a bit and compensate your 'aggressive' back/downswing by creating a bigger swing arc to achieve the desired distance. I hope this helps.

  3. simple. hit it better!

  4. move the ball left in your stance

  5. Get a new shaft like suggested above then check out the links below, instruction vid's, not only improve flight, tracjectory but will massively improve your distance.

    Hope this helps! oh and good luck!

  6. Ok so i have the same problem really. But what i try to do is get the club right under the ball so it is basically touching the bottom of the tee and lean back a bit but still keeping to my swing. Sometimes it does work and sometimes it doesn't but if you customized your swing around it, you never know.

  7. If you 8 hdcap, before you change your club or your swing... please check your golf ball...  are you using high compression ball and/or low trajectory ball???

    If you not sure, please try Titleist DT-Carry or DT-Solo, I tried this ball... the ball fly further, more consistant and go higher.

    What I dont know yet about this ball are for around the green...

  8. driver shaft low ball flight , try pro launch ,blue . irons toss three four hybird . steep angle of attack wont work 3 and four irons , great short irons . and hybirds , you could move ball up in stance , may sound simple , takes lot of range time , simple way open your shoulders only . short term easy to do . good luck

  9. try to get under the ball

  10. tilt the iron angle slightly facing the sky, practice, adjust the angle to suit your desired height. If you found your target & the ball flight is perfect as you wished for, remember at what angle did it, then keep hitting the ball with that angle.

    This is what we call self experimenting but keep it your secret. I was so successful with it.

  11. First off  the prolaunch red shaft is designed for a low ball flight. I would suggest putting in an aldila nvs 65 stiff it has a lower bend point designed for a medium trajectory. I believe you will also like the feel much better than the prolaunch. Take a look at they give a profile for each shaft they sell

    for your irons generally a steep downswing results in a high trajectory. it is possible your shafts are also ill fitted. it would be impossible to tell without seeing you swing. It could also be possible you are trapping the ball and not allowing the clubs face angle to do its job this would usually result in a slice in long irons, and with an 8 handicap i doubt you have a slice problem. you could move the ball forward in your stance about a quarter of an inch and see if that changes the ball flight. If that doesn't do the trick then I would look at your shafts

    in your irons also.

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