
How do I hold a rabbit properly?

by Guest55783  |  earlier

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Hi. Getting a rabbit tomorrow. I am afraid of rabbits! I know how to hold one. But... Not very sure (I looked up information on rabbits already.)




  1. well BTW don't make loud nosies or sudden movements...

    Approach the rabbit so that it sees you coming to pick it up. Pet it a bit on the nose or do other things the bunny likes to create a calm feeling.

    There are a few different ways to properly pick up a rabbit, but be gentle whatever you do.

    Method 1

    Put your writing hand just under the rabbit's arms so your fingers are well cushioned under its armpits, holding its chest.

    Place your other hand to scoop up its bum

    Scoop the rabbit up, lifting with your writing hand and supporting the rabbit by the bum.

    Lift the rabbit to your chest. If inexperienced, hold the rabbit to your chest with one arm and support it by its bum with your arm.

    Method 2

    Put both hands around the rabbit's midsection between its front and back paws, gently but securely.

    Holding the Rabbit

    Hold the rabbit so that it is secure in your arms and well supported.

    Pet the rabbit on the head while you hold it so that it is soothed.

    Putting the rabbit down/ back in its cage

    Shift the rabbit's weight back into your hands, ensuring that it is secure in your hands.

    If it struggles gently put it down trying not to hurt its back because they are fragile

    Refer to the House Rabbit Society webpage for more tips on rabbit handling, behavior and care.

    If the rabbit starts biting or digging, it probably wants to be let down/put back in its cage.

    Practice! The better you get, the more the rabbit will trust you and not fuss when you pick it up.

    Rabbits' spines are fragile, so treat them gently like babies. Their powerful hind legs could harm their spines if they struggle too much. Make sure to support the rabbit's rear so that it cannot kick out and hurt itself.

    Their backs are not very flexible, so they prefer to stay right side up.

    Do not put your rabbit down while the rabbit is struggling. This could lead to injury and teaches your rabbit that struggling is a good way to you to stop holding him or her. Instead, hold your rabbit securely, wait until the rabbit is calm, and then set the rabbit down.

    NEVER pick a rabbit up by the ears, it hurts the rabbit.

    Only pick it up from its stomach

  2. The way they teach you in 4-H, and NO it doesn't hurt the rabbit, is to hold it's scruff and ears, tightly, it won't hurt them, in the right hand, and cradle the bottom in your left.  That's the way I've always done it.  To comfort them you can hold them close to your body.

  3. you scoop ur hand uner its chest and the other hand under his its quite hard to explain on here but here is a handling care thing.x

  4. Cuddle them close to you and all will be fine.Do not hold them by their stomachs etc. Hold them like a bady. You will be fine

  5. LOL...they're funny, one of my favorite kind of animals....

    well, you should take your hands underneath the rabbit and put your thumb fingers on it, and HOLD IT!!!

    it's very easy, and if your rabbit is a small one, you can also hold it with one hand...just try not to excruciate it..

    some people hold their rabbit with its ears, i hate it, the animal wouls hate it too...

  6. scoop them up into your arms and make sure you hold it's bottom. sometimes if you hold your bunny on it's back it makes them sleepy so they will fall asleep. just put both your hands on it's back and tip it so it's stomach is up and tip it's head back a little farther. it is so cute when they fall asleep!

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