
How do I improve my running speed or stamina??

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I got 9:26 on the mile and im trying to get 7 do i improve my stamina? or my running speed?




  1. don't sprint at first just get a good pace and keep going on with that. if you need more practice go to the gym and practice your running it will help you. i know this because my mile time is 6:49

  2. Suicides won't help with running the mile.  You should be endurance training- running one or two miles every day.  your time will quickly improve.

  3. You need explosive power- which can be built up via hill/mountain training. My endurance and power increased by that alone.

  4. Plan a daily workout for yourself. And don't make it so easy on yourself. Once your muscles can handle it, make even more challenging workouts.

    There's also this sprinter's workout, where you take a partner that runs at the same speed as you and you guys match your steps to each other. Then eventually you can practice with faster people.

  5. By doing suicides. Seriously, my brother does them in the gym.

  6. run one mile a day, work up to two, three, four, and finally around five, but do this over the course of a couple months

    im not sure how old you are, but this seriously worked with me

    hope this helps! oh and also, this may sound dorky, but find some quotes that make you really want to get up and do something

    memorize it and when you need that extra boost when you run, repeat it in your head

  7. seriously, it takes alot of effort ant time to get it down about a minute an a half.

    i used to be able to run a 4:40 mile but i have osen slaughters (i cant spell it) but basically my knees r screwed. so i cant really run anymore.

    so i would suggest for stamina try running 2 or 3 mile runs at a moderate pace. try not to stop and walk, so go at an easy pace- this gets your body used to continuous strain. for speed, i suggest running 400's. do like 4 or 5 as fast as you can.

    *seriously dont start doing this all at once, ull kill urself. build up to it.

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